Crowd USD workflow Maya-Houdini-Maya

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I'm just developing a crowd workflow. The plan is to do animation, setup and shading in Maya, simulate in Houdini and export the crowds back to Maya via USD. I thought it could be a good idea to export the crowd character as USD from Maya. This way I can define geometry groups for shading. They appear in the solaris USD tree as groupA and groupB as you can see in the image.

Unfortunately these geometry groups are gone if I export the simulated agents what is visible here.

Is there a way to keep these groups or get it back after sim? I attached the example I worked with as zip.
Edited by haggi krey - Feb. 2, 2023 10:34:47

crowdUSDGroups.JPG (41.7 KB)
crowdUSDGroupsGone.JPG (77.6 KB) (134.8 KB)

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I didn't see your SOP Import settings in the .hip file, but I think you just need to enable the Subset Groups toggle and set it to * if you want to import all of the prim groups back to USD geometry subsets (see attached file)

crowdsUSDBox_v2.hiplc (891.4 KB)

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Ahhh... so easy! Thanks a lot for your help, both versions (importing sop into lops and using the subset toggle) work fine.
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