question: Deform geo with another geometric object(nurbs)?

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hi so i been try to figure this out and have not been able to find a node that act like the wrap deformer in Maya like the image below. I've try using wire deformers on the polygons but all it does when it around a tight corner is skew the geometry.
however I do get the right deformation when i do this to a nurbs grid with the wire solve but i can't figure out how i could then use the deformed Grid to modify the poly geo.

just few note about what I'm trying to attempted.

-this isn't an animation along the curve it's a dup along a curve.

-the low rez bridge in the image is just a test object that ill hope to replace both in houdini and maya with more detailed. so building it in Houdini isn't desirable.

wrapDeformed.jpg (380.7 KB)

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Hi, there. You can use the Lattice SOP in Points mode (as opposed to Lattice mode).

edit: hmmm… there doesn't seem to be the appropriate bending behaviour in Lattice…. I guess you can ignore this piece of advice.
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you could try a wire deformer
Michael Goldfarb |
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the original file does use wire deformes problem is deformer only translates the verts is doesn't make them flow along the curve.(unless you know how)

ill post the file this time sry had to organize this thing i color coded nodes to be like red to red to help a bit. added stickes to also explain so things.
also please read the 3 main network box so you look at them in the right order .

the nurbs surface on top is what i wanted to use to deform the geo.

reiteration of goal is to later add a more complex geo into scene to later run sim or build and previs faster.

thank you for any help.

MartinSmith_BridgeGenV03.hipnc (204.6 KB)

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