Quadro K4000 performance

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Awesome, that makes sense. Tested this 10mil in Windows and there is essentially no delay diving into Sops. Thanks again.
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Just did the same tests as above with Houdini 13. There is apsolutely no improvement in viewport speed with the k4000. Neither in geometrie not in volumes. Apart from that it looks as if there are some cool new features included.
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Just out of curiosity, which driver version is being used?
I have Realflow and it's found some driver versions aren't very good and cause issues with performance so I'm wondering if that's the same here if anyone has tested?
I have 320.86 right now, but I also see some are using other versions.
I got 5.2fps on mine with the same torus setup on the grid.
Can you test with other driver versions and see what happens?
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I'm using the latest drivers, 5.5.28. Viewport permformance is noticably improved w/ H13.

The K4000 has never been that great of a card imho.

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I also had that issue with Realflow which was fixed by Nvidia with the 320.92 drivers. So this is the driver I'm runnig at the moment. I also testet older drivers. The results are all the same. Ubuntu with 319 also same. I even did an RMA on the card to be absolutely sure it is not a hardware problem. I assume the k4000 was not the right choice for Houdini. In Max and Maya it performs well.
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I also had that issue with Realflow which was fixed by Nvidia with the 320.92 drivers. So this is the driver I'm runnig at the moment. I also testet older drivers. The results are all the same. Ubuntu with 319 also same. I even did an RMA on the card to be absolutely sure it is not a hardware problem. I assume the k4000 was not the right choice for Houdini. In Max and Maya it performs well.
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Just out of curiosity, what does the FPS look like in your viewport when you're actually tumbling around?
Chris McSpurren
Senior Quality Assurance Specialist
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For me, the lowest I got was 4.3 and the highest I got was 7.1
and this is after I downloaded the latest nvidia drivers 331.65 for quadro k4000
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We're getting around 150-170 fps when tumbling around with that torus/grid scene on our k4000. Not sure what the difference is between our machines, but at this point you should log a bug and provide support with your specs from Help > About Houdini, along with your scene file. Thanks!
Chris McSpurren
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We're getting around 150-170 fps when tumbling around with that torus/grid scene on our k4000. Not sure what the difference is between our machines, but at this point you should log a bug and provide support with your specs from Help > About Houdini, along with your scene file. Thanks!

4.2 - 3.9 fps which would make your viewport about 40 times faster than mine which makes me doubt that we are running the same test.

Just before I start filing any bug reports, would it be possible for you to confirm that we are testing the same by downloading the attached file and run it on your machine. Maybe I did something really stupid which I am not aware of.

I am testing with GL 3.3 and shadingmode “Smoth Wire Shaded”.

The Hardware is not that bad, it is a dual xeon 5680 workstation overclocked to 4.2 Ghz.
Edited by - 2013年11月2日 08:24:45

8 Million Polys.hipnc (58.1 KB)

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Something must be wrong with your setup since on a iMac with a low end AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB and an i% cpu it runs at about 5-7 fps.
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The draw code that was optimized in H13 was pure wireframe, and shaded mode with primitive attributes (or primitive selection). The other draw modes should perform roughly the same as they did in H12.5. I didn't find any way to optimize wire-over-shaded any further with the current drawing scheme.
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I heard so many stories like yours i myself did not go with a quadro or firepro but went and purchased a 3 GB 7950 and shot my self again in the foot.

It turns out this card HD7950 sucks in Houdini big time,

I am not joking but a meshed sea surface with waves 3.5 mil poly only , on default viewport in maya 3.1-4 fps (its not acceptable but for a consumer card its ok) and then we jump into viewport 2.0 powered by dx11 and i get between 80 and 115 fps can you beleive it. VP 2.0 is limited but it gets its update slowly, and from what I saw at the technology preview at annaheim itr seems like it will be the new default of maya soon……

now the same scene in Houdini the card perfroms in GL3.2:1fps and H11 viewport gives me actually 7fps but no shading just black object.

I reckon you should re-run your tests now that Houdini 13 is out

50+fps 3.2mil primitives waves headlight only, smooth shaded
25+ fps 3.2mil primitives high-quality lighting & shadows(antialiased-area), smooth shaded

H13.0.222, AMD 7950, OsX 10.9, GL2.1 viewport

Screen Shot 2013-11-05 at 7.29.45 am.png (383.9 KB)
Screen Shot 2013-11-05 at 7.29.55 am.png (380.3 KB)
MeshedSea3Mil.hip (967.1 KB)

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with a geforce 770 4giga

with your scene MartybNz

180 fps headligth, smooth shaded
and 50 fps hq ligth & shadow (antialiades-area)
http://www.papicrunch.net/GC-houdb/ [papicrunch.net]
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Very cool papi - thanks for testing! That's a powerful card.

Just tested the 7950 in Linux, drivers 13.04 and it was much better! ~55fps HQ&shadows and ~65fps headlight, when the viewport is small. Larger viewports go closer to OsX performance and looks better in Gl3.3.
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With MartybNz's scene on the k4000:
9.9 fps headlight only
1.8 fps HQ
Great card!!
So what to do? As I get the same results on W7 and Ubuntu with the latest drivers.
A software problem can probably ruled out. Anyway I installed W7 AND Ubuntu completely new ONLY running Houdini 13. Same result.

So it must be a hardware issue.
I already did an RMA on the k4000. Same result.
Tried the card on all slots. Same result.
Ran the System on each CPU seperatly. Same result .
Tested the RAM modules seperately. Same result.
Tried 3 different monitors with differet resolutions. Same result.
It is probably not a Hard Disk related problem so I did not test that.
Just to emphasis this again the card runs fast under Maya and Max. I also did some benchmarks - card runs fine.
This is a problem only related to Houdini and - if I look at Chism' s results - only related to my setup.

Anybody an idea before I do an RMA on the Motherboard?

BTW: The HQ lighting in Houdini 13 looks beauifull and I did a comparison between Mantra and Arnold. – There was absolutely no difference exept Mantra is somewhat slower.

Great update!!!
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Try sending sending a bug report in using the Support menu above. Attach a test file, a screen shot and the file from About Houdini under the Help menu.
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H13 is really an improvement on OSX coupled with Mavericks. I'm not sure who did what but now I can finally use Apprentice on my iMac. Works as fast as any other softwares viewport if not faster.
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I have been using active (quad buffer) stereo in the viewport with H12.5 succesfully, using 3d vision 2 shutter glasses and gl 3.2. On an Asus VG278HE monitor. Quite nice actually.

However H13 on gl 3.3 when stereo is enabled – my objects disappear (the transform gizmos remain). If I demote the H13 viewport to 2.1, quad buffer stereo resumes working

I've messed around with every nvidia and Houdini display setting I can think of, but can't seem to have my gl 3.3 viewport and active stereo alongside.

My nvidia drivers are up-to-date.

Other than this I have no other viewport or speed problems.

Windows 7 pro sp1
nvidia k4000
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misterluqman, did you solve this problem maybe?

I've got k4000 on dells' precision dual xeon, 64 gigas ram, machine and my viewport performance is 3 times worse comparing to my other machine which is i7, gtx 780, 16gigs ram.

I've got around 8 fps on that torus-grid scene on k4000 and 25 fps on gtx 780.

The funny thing is, I get twice more fps on GL 1.2 comparing to GL 3.3.

I've compared max and maya. Max Nitrous and maya ViewPort 2.0 work 3 times faster on gtx 780, but that's alright I guess since they are using DX. On maya openGL viewport I get about 5 times better performance on k4000. But who cares when 2.0 is still a lot faster.

I'm rly starting to wonder what's the point of quadro cards. Nvidia is conviencing their users these cards are made for applications like houd, maya, max and yet GTXs are owning them badly in all apps.
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