Splash tank problem in houdini 13

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Hi Everyone

I'm new to houdini so hopefully you guys will be able to help me out with this problem. I'm simulating a ship using the splash tank and I seem to be getting an error, the fluid is coming up through the hull of the ship, hopefully this is visible on the included image . I've checked the geometry and there seems to be no holes, all the points are welded and the normals look ok, but the collisions don't appear to be working correctly. I've also checked the collision volume and upped the uniform divisions to 300 but still no joy. I've included the hipnc file so if anyone wants to have a look, it would be greatly appreciated, cheers

SplashTank_Test_01.jpg (582.2 KB)
SplashTank_Test_01.hipnc (3.9 MB)


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It is probably because you are emitting particles inside your boat. Splashtank_Initial -> mergecollisions -> add your ship there.
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Hi Skybar

Thanks for the quick response, thats working a lot better now, cheers. Just by chance I was looking at your showreel on vimeo, the melting wax was very nice, seems along way off for me…i'll just keep plugging away though thanks again.

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Hehe thank you. I believe the most important thing is to take small steps and understand what is happening with everything you do. It can be overwhelming at times, especially in the beginning, but if you enjoy it you will get into it soon enough.

There is tons of info both here and on odforce, so searching and browsing the forums is a great tool to learn new stuff as well. But dont be afraid to ask questions. Good luck!
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