Viewport/OpenGL problems continue

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Cool - but H11 will be removed, so it's worth using and logging bugs for GL3.3 viewport so it all gets fixed up.

Not to mention that Alembic, packed, and VDB primitives aren't implemented in the H11 renderer. It's only around to aid in porting render hooks. If you are encountering problems beyond the ones mentioned here, please report them.

The GL3 wire-over-shaded artifacts should be relatively easy to fix.
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Add to the list - my selections will often no longer appear as highlighted yellow in hidden line invisible, and will just display as a slightly bolder wireframe line. Switching from “light” to “dark” and then back to “light” in the display options window will fix the problem temporarily. This occurs in every rendering scheme in H13 (H11 depreciated, GL 1.1, 2.1, 3.3).

UPDATE: third seg fault today, working with very light geometry.
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Another addition to the list: point snapping is hit or miss; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
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Today's cut, 13.0.325, has improved hidden line modes that are somewhat more traditional.

UPDATE: third seg fault today, working with very light geometry.
Could you post or submit the crashlogs (or crashlog if they're all the same), plus which tool you were using when the crash occurred?

Another addition to the list: point snapping is hit or miss; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Snapping has always been a weak point of Houdini, and it is being entirely overhauled for the next version.
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Today's cut, 13.0.325, has improved hidden line modes that are somewhat more traditional.

Does that mean it uses the same thickness as regular wireframe? Would love to have this feature that are present in other apps like Max and I believe XSI
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
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Today's cut, 13.0.325, has improved hidden line modes that are somewhat more traditional.

Does that mean it uses the same thickness as regular wireframe? Would love to have this feature that are present in other apps like Max and I believe XSI
That was the previous behavior, the one that I'd like to have back, I guess I'm traditional that way. Add to my irks with the new behaviour that the lines on the silhouette of the surfaces are half as thick as those in the interior given the nature of the process, because there aren't adjoining polygons on the silhouette making up another neighboring line (see below).

Today's cut, 13.0.325, has improved hidden line modes that are somewhat more traditional.
I'll check it out, thank you. I've also been periodically getting an artifact with primitive numbers as well where I'll get corruption in the viewport in the form of a smear of mish-mash and misplaced primitive numbers. I'll grab a screen cap the next time it happens.

I'll try to post the crashlog the next time it happens, and make an note of the tool and the viewport settings.

lines.jpg (103.4 KB)

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That was the previous behavior, the one that I'd like to have back, I guess I'm traditional that way. Add to my irks with the new behaviour that the lines on the silhouette of the surfaces are half as thick as those in the interior given the nature of the process, because there aren't adjoining polygons on the silhouette making up another neighboring line (see below).

Do you mean in H11 renderer? Because I was using that accidentally in H12 for a while and it was exactly how I wanted. So you are not the only one All the other 3d apps that have hidden line use the same wireframe thickness.

This is how it looks in Max:

Without the same thickness, it looks cartoonish and overpowers the point size when points are displayed IMO.

So we shouldn't have a hidden multiplier that's based on the Wire Width parameter in the Display Options dialog that controls the thickness of the regular wireframe. Because even at the lowest value, it's still thicker than the regular wireframe. Not to mention, your regular wireframe thickness will be ruined now.

If it's not really hard or time consuming to implement, can we please have this?
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Hmmm, After just looking into doing our houdini GL shaders for a GR renderhook I'm guessing the older H11 viewport, Max and the other other apps you mention get constant line widths do it by drawing the GL twice: The first time the shaded polys, then the second a wireframe/line poly which is shifted slightly closer to the camera along the Z axis.

The newer GL 3.3 viewport looks like it uses a sharp falloff ramp/texture from the edge of the polys to give a wireframe effect, due to this lines gets thicker on interior edges as we see two poly sides shaded next to each other. Although this seems to give some users visual grief I suspect it is a lot faster to draw as the GL only has to draw + process all the polys once.

unless there is a nice GL process to thicken an objects siloutte, going back to the draw twice method will probably be much slower
Miles Green, Supervising TD, Animal Logic
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Add to the list, pressing either “spacebar” or “alt” while in the viewport in order to navigate will intermittently change the wireframe color from black to light grey. When I switch the color scheme from “Light” to “Dark” and then back to “Light”, the wireframe color reverts back to black.
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Today's most recent crashlog:

Houdini Version 13.0.288
Traceback from Fri Feb 21 09:47:58 2014
Caught signal 11

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“Houdini 13.0.349: Fixed a bug with primitive and vertex selections & attributes on large meshes, which are diced up for efficient GPU drawing in the viewport. Things like primitive selections and attributes would be indexed incorrectly after dicing.”

Thank you, I'll cross that one off the list.
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You're on a roll, Stu - many more to go on your list?
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I'll have to check, but if this means I don't need to switch between GL 3.3 and GL 2.1 whenever I need to make a selection, great.
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Ha - cool as - once the osX version gets to GL3.3 it'll all be fixed up - thanks Stu!
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The least I can do is complain. The transition to the new viewport renderer in H12 introduced a myriad of problems, I'm just glad that they're being fixed so that I can go back to using houdini without having to jump though so many hoops.

One of the issues on my list is the viewport corruption that I get specifically when I display primitive numbers (I'll occasionally get a smear of repeating primitive numbers across the viewport, no longer attached to the geometry). The problem is that I'm having trouble creating a reproducible environment.

Others on my list: selecting primitives in wireframe display mode no longer automatically displays primitive normals for selection purposes (although when i switch back and forth between GL 3.3 and the other options they'll suddenly display), and point snapping behaves differently depending on whether or not points are displayed (point snapping works better when points are displayed).
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If you can get screen recordings submitted of these bugs to sidefx then they can be squashed quicker.
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I just spent an angry morning trying to model because point snapping is remarkably unpredictable.

I usually work “in context” and will often copy and paste a curve SOP in order to make another curve (because hitting tab-curve SOP will create the new sop at the bottom of my very long network, regardless as to where my network focus is) - this operation will, more often then not, cause houdini to no longer snap to points.

My solution? To restart houdini.
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The snapping code in H13 is still the old, crufty GL1-based picking that Houdini has been using since snapping was implemented. The good news is that it has been entirely replaced by GL3-based picking, so it's much faster and robust. The inevitable bad news is that it isn't something that can be backported to H13 (being a top-to-bottom rewrite), so you'll have to wait for the next release to use it.
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I guess you can't tell me when that will be.

Just crashed again, simple geo manipulation in SOP space, no crash log. (GL 3.3).
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Chris posted that the next release will be ‘still months away’ on Feb, 21st. []
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