Basic Glass Fill

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havent realy used Flips in houdini, so i have this realy basic problem….
So I have set up this scene from shelf tools, and it seems i cant figure out how to make a basic glass fill with fluid, it just dosnt fill up, it seems like particles are been deleted….
I have attached my test/example scene.

I hope someone can explain me why its not working.

Thanks in advance,

glass_fill_basic.hipnc (1.7 MB)

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Hi, Ive fixed your file. I used VDB for collision and your glass was far to thin to get an accurate collision


glass_fill_basic_144_fixed.hipnc (1.7 MB)

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Thanks for the fix Rob!

But why does it happen with “thin” geometry, even though the collision volume/vdb is quite high rez and dont have any holes?
I kind of tought that FLIPs just need a good collision volume without holes and similar artifacts ops:

About the scene, I added POP Wind for air resistance to make it more stable, is this is a good practice on how to make FLIPs “stable” ?

How it currently looks:

I attached the scene because it might be useful to somebody

glass_fill_basic_v2.hipnc (1.7 MB)

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You could use really thin geometry but to fix the collisions you would need to increase the substep amount on the dop node . increasing the sub steps will take longer to calculate. Instead of Dops doing the convert to volume , I just provide a volume to collide against, look at the proxy tab of your RBD object.

It looks good, but I would add drag based on age to control how the liquid settles. Explore the wrangle feature on the drag node ! and post some renders.

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Hey guys thanks for posting this, 3 years ago It helped me out solving something tonight.

Question for you.. Understood that you can use a thicker glass for simulation and then swap back to thinner glass for render, but say we want the animation to be something like, the glass is filling up, and the end up spilling slightly over the edge, then we'd need to simulate using the thin glass.

How would one go about that?

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I'm not an experienced sim creator…but it seems like you'll just have to crank up the substeps until you get the desired result for the given thickness.
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