Mapping BVH To Mocap Biped?

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Joined: 6月 2008
Hi All,

I have sourced into the Houdini default scene a .CMD file that was generated by the BVH to BCLIP converter. This creates a new set of animated bones in the scene.

Now I click on the Mocap Biped 1 character tool and display the bones only in the viewport.

The BVH bone set and the Mocap Biped 1 bone set look almost identical.

I would like to use the BVH data to move the Mocap Biped 1.

How do I migrate the data from the bclip animation into the Deform node of the mesh so the BVH drives the final animation?

mocap_mapping.png (416.7 KB)

Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Joined: 7月 2005
See attached file. Mocapbiped (white node) is setup with handle objects/chop to pick up either the targets from the mocap__a or mocap__b rig based on the handle object weight parameter (there's viewport slider linked to it). (note.. handle chop is somewhat finnicky and I've had to split the handles into multiple nodes/groups instead of using a single chop node; and you might have to unexport/export the orange flags on nodes see the rigs update correctly, logged a bug about it).

mocapTransfer2.hip.gz (12.7 MB)

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2572 posts
Joined: 6月 2008
Thanks for the file, I'm going to check it out.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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