Trying to attach multiple Geometry to a particle system

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I have a simple location particle emitter, and I managed to figure out how to attach an object to the particles. But I want to attach multiple objects to the same emitter randomly associating the objects with the particles.

In this file I have an emitter, a box, and a torus. I can either attach one or the other. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to do both.

Help appreciated

MultiObjectParticleTest.hipnc (268.2 KB)

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The basic concept is on the point input side of the copy you setup an attribute that is a random number between 0 and the number of shapes, minus one, you want to use.
Then you connect all your shapes into a switch.
Then you write a stamp expression to fetch that random index value and use a different random index for each point.
The result is random shapes for each point.

Because it is just code, you can play around with other particle attributes to influence shape such as age. Maybe you want more particles to be torus when they are older etc…

ap_multiobjectparticletest_123.hipnc (271.0 KB)
Untitled-1.jpg (210.0 KB)

Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Welp, this was very helpful, I thank you very much.

I think I spent about 15 hours researching and trying to figure this out and I wasn't anywhere close to figuring out a thing.

It turned out to be a lot more complex then I thought it would be. I figured you could do it with the Sops, and no need for expressions.

I am new to Houdini, and I really liking it, but this very complex for a beginner. But it was what I needed and worked out great.

Still trying to absorb the vastness of Houdini, but slowly figuring things out

Thank you very much for showing me how to do this
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