Texture baking with point clouds

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Hey guys,

I've got a little problem with baking textures using the new texture baking mantra node.

Want to render out a wet map for using it in another software package like 3ds or maya.

So I applied the shader onto a wall (the wet map works when using a normal mantra render node) and called a bake texture node. Specified the uv render object, camera and the output path. Also added normals and ubs.

All I get is a black image. For the shader is mainly affecting the diffuse at the moment I also added an extra image plane for the diffuse. Still everything keeps being black.

Added a screenshot. Hope someone knows whats going wrong here.

Edited by - 2016年4月30日 17:47:04

baking.jpg (144.6 KB)

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hard to say without seeing a hip file, but first off are your geos polygons?

texture bake only works on polys
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The problem seems to be the modified material. With a normal render node it works. The baking node doesnt seem to like it. When applying an other material the baking works again.

Attached a screenshot. Any idea?

baking2.jpg (90.3 KB)

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nothing looks out of place there….I have used texture baking with point clouds before and it worked well..trying to remember if i had to do anything magical to make it happen…that file is at work…
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This is SO annoying
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Can you post a simple example file, it will be much easier to debug
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Hey everyone,
Just wanted to see if anyone ever found a solution to this problem. I'm having the same issue and it seems to also be due to the modified texture for a wet map. Any help would be great!

Houdini 16, Windows 10
Edited by bleedblue128 - 2017年5月10日 22:50:37
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i didnt check your files, neither opened H16, so im shooting blind and go by memory.

If you check prebuild materials, they do contain parameted called something like bakeExport, or similar. Im guessing that bake ROP is using this parameter to bake textures?

If im mistaken,ignore
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So I tried to repeat the process with a principled shader which has the bakeExport node like you said, but I'm getting the same results. The problem seems to be in the setup of the wetmap pointcloud basecolor because when I do it with a regular basecolor it exports fine. I just cant seem to figure out how to get it to export the pointcloud basecolor even though it renders properly in the houdini render view. Here's a hip file that shows my setup. thanks for the help!

WetMapRnD_ip01.hiplc (1.7 MB)

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I noticed that you're using your own material (/mat/diffuse). To get certain parameters to export when baking, you can create Bind Export nodes with vex variable name you want to export. (for example, “diffcolor” is “export_diffcolor”). You can look inside principled shader or classic shader and look for bind nodes to see what the names for individual variables are.

I also noticed that on your Bake Texture ROP, “Output Picture” parameter is set to a tif image. Please leave it as .rat and change the “Extract format” to the desired format instead.
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Thanks for the response!
I've tried adding bind exports to my diffuse material but the results are still the same. I also tried adding my point cloud basecolor to a classic material which didnt work either. I'm sure this is just user error at this point but I still cant figure it out. Here is where I left off after making the changes you suggested. Does anything else stand out? Thanks again!

WetMapRnD_ip02.hiplc (2.9 MB)

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Your hip file seems to referencing an obj file and a pointcloud. Can you attach those files too, please?
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Sorry about that, here are the files. I'm using a point cloud sequence but I cant upload the full thing because it's over 5 mbs so I'm just including one frame, hopefully that still gives you all of the information that you need. Thanks again for the help!

Bottle_ForHoudini_01.obj (2.1 MB)
PointCloud_01.75.pc (2.2 MB)

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Ah, it turns out there was a bug with space transformation in bake renders, so transform VOP was failing (and it was looking up pointcloud in the wrong space). The fix will be in upcoming daily build. Thank you.
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Hey, I am running a similar setup atm. Is that bug fixed at the any of the new releases? Thanks.
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Yes the latest daily build has the fix I needed at least
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