Flat Tank render Issues

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Hi guys,

I followed the flat tank tutorial from side effects, the dynamics are great but I can't render because of the following error “Error saving geometry forobj/flattank_fluid/RENDER” ….
I'm using Houdini 15.5 apprentice version.
Please need help.
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Maybe try saving your HIP file in a new location..?
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Thanks @Enivob I tried, I started a new project and build the file from scratch, same error…

Seems like I'm having the same issue with the others Ocean FX solvers, I think it's related with default shaders assigned to the materials, I'm also having this error:

"UT_NetPacket::read: No error
mantra: Unable to load texture ‘CUsers/joao/maps/ocean_displace.0001.pic’
UT_NetPacket::read: No error"

I've read in an older post something about changing the file extension from .hip to .hipnc because of the apprentice version… does it make sense in this case?

any ideas?!?


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Hi again,

This time I tried to start a new file without new project nor saving, and worked!
Seems like like if I start a new project and save the file the before render it has some kind files errors!

Kind of annoying issue!

Thanks again
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Glad it works, but I think you are also on to something about the file extension. If you are using Apprentice or Indie it changes the file extensions behind the scenes but does not update the fields that reference those files.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
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I was noticing that the other day. Yeah, if you update the OceanEvaluate node to use “.picnc” instead of “.pic”, the channel-referenced parameter in the shaders should find the files it's looking for.
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Sorry for the newbie question, but where can I change the OcenaEvaluate node?
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The OceanEvaluate SOP named ocean_preview is in the object called splashtank_initial. This is the object that supplies the base water FLIP simulation the starting geometry along with the points to drive the FLIP simulation. It's also used to bake out displacement shaders to render the water if you want to.

The Export image parameter is in the Export To Texture tab.
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