Hair / Fur groom weirdness on setting Length.

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Hey guys,

I'm grooming some hair and trying to “set length” but as soon as i do it, some hair guides are going crazy and start popping out and point toward the scene's 0 coordinates.

Pretty sure i'm doing something wrong, so any help is welcome.



Houdini 16.504.20
Edited by Adriano - 2017年3月27日 10:58:01

Error_Set_length.JPG (124.4 KB) (2.6 MB)

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Use the latest version 16.0.557… I am assuming that you are on windows…if so I reported this bug a while back and it has been fixed in this version
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Cheers, mate. I opened the scene in 557 and same thing happened.


PS: I did create it in 504.20 though… :$
Edited by Adriano - 2017年3月27日 12:11:05
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this must not have been the same bug I was getting, though it looked like it at first.

looking at your file, it has something to do with the groom…if I bypass the groom, the set_length behaves normally

not sure exactly which operation in your Comb_brush is causing it…I wish strokes could be exposed to try to isolate the cause…

you could try re-grooming or just deleting the bad curves…would be good to send this to sesi support to see if they can find a bug in the code somewhere…
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Thanks for looking into it. We also kinda concluded that this was probably a bug. Changing some settings slightly makes it go away eventually.

but truth is the overall workflow for Hair / Fur seems very shaky in 504.20. Not that i'm experienced enough to say for sure, but just a feeling.

I just tried to add a guidegroom node on the hairgen to add more details on the hair itself, and when doing so the thickness settings don't react anymore until i “re-cache strokes” (makes sense), but then the animation i have on the length of the guides doesn't affect the hairgen anymore…. anyway, a big mess if you ask me. And i'm just trying to make a crappy mustache… i can't imagine if i had an entire character to groom :$

I'd love to jump in 557 to see some improvement but i'm depending on Redshift to render this one, and their last build isn't compatible with 557 (i tried, got a crash on IPR render straight up).

So i'm kinda stuck here.


Edited by Adriano - 2017年3月27日 12:56:35
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you could always export from 557 back to 504.20 for the rendering…we have to do the same here to my least favorite 3rd party renderer…the bane of 3rd party rendering, it only works for the builds they give you…
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This is something to consider for the time being. Cheers. Which render engine are you referring to?

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so as not to offend any fans, I will leave that to readers to choose their own least favorite rendering engine
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Wise man

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I can reproduce this one. The problem is with the Resample SOP. I'll see if we can get that fixed quickly.
Kai Stavginski
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Regarding your issues with animated length:

As you found animations won't pass through a guide groom. This is a limitation of the tool's design. The upside of the design is that you get the ability to groom interactively while maintaining some sort of proceduralism - you can recache your strokes on demand and thus apply your grooming to changing inputs. But it doesn't quite extend to animation.

Having said that, if this is a common requirement we could think about adding a way of bypassing the caching. But be warned, this could be very slow if you have a hundreds of strokes recorded. They would have to be reapplied every time you open the scene or change something upstream.

OTOH even if we had that option I would recommend that you do any animation as late as possible in the process and ideally after any guide groom SOP. Is there any reason this isn't possible in your case?
Kai Stavginski
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That would be awesome. I'll be honest with you, not trying to blackmail anyone at all here, but i'm so desperate suddenly that i was considering going back to 3ds max and give a shot to Ornatrix just for the project, as i have to deliver some first drafts asap. And don't get me wrong those guys at Ephere do a fantastic job, but doing so does not fit in my current attempt to completely leave ADSK's products behind and switch to Houdini which so far has been such a refreshing awakening.

So, my question being… knowing that you guys are so incredibly fast responsive here and with the daily builds… what are the hopes to see this being addressed and fixed for the next build? Since it's seems to be an easy one for you guys. And what would be the ETA on the next daily?

Again, just curious, no expectations here.

Thanks a bunch.

Edited by Adriano - 2017年3月28日 08:03:36
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Is there any reason this isn't possible in your case?

the only reason i did so is because i'm complete Noob and consequently am still figuring out what the proper workflow is. I've watched a bunch of tuts, sadly most apply to H15, things have changed since, and none of them all show any example of growing / animated examples, dynamics yes, but just growing from birth, nothing. Buddies of mine have told me it was a no brainer though but are too busy in prod to show me how at the moment. In my last attempts the legnth animation (keyframed min and max scale factors) was set at a later stage and consequenlty worked fine. I even tried on the hairgen itself and it seemed to work just fine, so i'd stick to that for sure.

Again, thanks for looking into it, all help is very much appreciated. And if you do have any tips for my current case scenario, simply growing mustaches that will be added to live footage, i'm taker.

Cheers, and big up for the great work.


EDIT: Actually even on the hairgen, as soon as i recache strokes, animation's gone as well, and somehow can not be applied with the same length node anymore.
Edited by Adriano - 2017年3月28日 08:43:56
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This seems to work fine. Shame that i don't seem to be able to keep a stable workflow. Random changes, or further adjustments, or simply randomly trying to create variations of that leads to the issue mentioned above.

What did i do in this file that seems to work just fine?

Edited by Adriano - 2017年3月28日 09:25:17

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The key here is to do the animation after any guide groom SOPs, which seems to be the case in Moustache_10.

That issue with Set Length in Guide Proces still seems to affect this file though. I see some jittering in the guides from frame 25 where “Scale Factor” is a constant 1.0.

We'll fix that. In the meantime you could use the Carve SOP as a workaround. See attached file
Edited by KaiStavginski - 2017年3月28日 09:57:34

Attachments: (2.7 MB)

Kai Stavginski
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yeah i noticed that some hair were still jumpy after the end of the animation.

I don't see any attached file (yet?).

Thanks a lot.

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In the meantime you could use the Carve SOP as a workaround. See attached file

Good one. Thanks for that. So many ways to go at it in Houdini it seems. This might actually save my day.


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I'm glad I could help!

I actually tracked down the cause of the set length problems. It's a bug in the Guide Process SOP. Fixed in tomorrow's build.
Kai Stavginski
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Thanks man. But like all great patch ups and work arounds, it came with its load of unexpected extra issues
With the carve node in there, any changes upstream in the hairgen after that, for instance adding guideprocess “set length” and then scroll the timeline will crash Houdini.

I'll have to wait for a new build i think.

Thanks again for your help.


Edited by Adriano - 2017年3月28日 13:05:30

crash.JPG (85.1 KB)

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Hey, just a quick check. Am i right to assume that the Hair / set length problems haven't been addressed yet in the last builds? I can't find anything related in the logs.



HIndie_Hair_Crash.JPG (86.1 KB)

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