Paper Town Unfolding

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Hi everyone.

I am trying to achieve something similar to this: []

Tried a lot of different approaches with the bend sop which basically works but still doesn't accomplish the wrap around I am trying to do. Only got it to wrap one side of a building and cannot figure out how to do it sideways for all 4 sides, one after another.

Has anyone done something like this before?

I am thankful for any help/suggestions!

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There's alot going on in that video.

But say you have a grid ( like a sheet of paper or an unfolding sidewalk of squares ).

Each edge can be treated as an axis for rotating from.

This section would be a good study for you, from which you can expand upon and use elsewhere as well; []
Edited by BabaJ - 2018年6月26日 11:33:33
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That is a great starting point.

I was thinking about drawing a curve where my mesh is, transforming / bending it like I want the mesh to deform and deforming the mesh via the wire deform. (man that's a lot of deform.. it's still early in the morning, please excuse my poor writing).

A couple of “problems”.. let's call them questions

I don't understand how wire capture / wire deform work.. read the help but still cant figure out the steps I need to take

how would I adapt the poly bending technique described at tokeru to bend a curve?
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how would I adapt the poly bending technique described at tokeru to bend a curve?

My suggestion for that was from one small section of your reference video where I saw the sidewalk unfolding,

which I thought might be a good candidate for using that technique, and possibley other areas.

But like I said there's so much different things going on in that video, many different approaches would be the key.

You've just mentioned about bending a curve.

So perhaps the best thing to do is focus in on one part of that video that you would like to bend a curve for and either post a hip with your attempt to do the same;

Or, if you don't even know how to get started on that part, make a clip of that section of the video describing what part you want to do.

Then maybe you might get some suggestions and pick an approach that suits you.
Edited by BabaJ - 2018年6月28日 11:16:30
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For bending curves, the method shown here might work for you: []
Although controlling the bend angle for a smooth unroll could be tricky.

The wire deform basically treats each segment like a little bone. Setup generally goes like:

If all else fails, a good ol' string of bones can do the trick for a specific shot.

wiredeform.JPG (67.7 KB)

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