RBD Friction no effect

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I'm having issues understanding why my friction settings in a packed rbd sim are having hardly any effect. I have a similar pop setup where the friction is doing exactly what i want it to do - but it doesnt translate over to rbd at all.

Im sure im missing something super simple - any help and suggestions much appreciated! (stripped down simple file included)



FrictionQuestion_01.hiplc (744.8 KB)

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You can't get an “exact” match between the two systems, they have different properties. What you can do is set the RBD Physical Bounce to zero and then drop down a PopDrag to try and dial it in.

If you are not super concerned about particle mesh penetrating collision objects you might be able to get away with just copying your geometry to the Pop points. With RBD, you'll get true mesh collision, however.

ap_FrictionQuestion_01.hiplc (740.9 KB)
Untitled-1.jpg (85.8 KB)

Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Thanks for looking at that Enivob - much appreciated.

This example is part of a bigger sim that im trying to problem solve. I have some flip viscous fluid in my scene and i would like the pops/rbds to interact with it, by slightly depressing the fluid as the spheres make contact and getting stuck to it with high friction.

I couldnt get pops to interact with the flip sim - but rbd seemed to be giving me the correct results (aside from not being able to dial in the friction.)

Any tips on how to get pops and flip to work together nicely? Im searching for a good tutorial on what the best approach is to get different solvers to work together but haven't found any yet.. let me know if you know any!

Thanks for your help so far -


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