How to project “ball” HDR onto geo

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I am trying to project an HDR ball onto geometry and turn that geometry into a mesh light so I get accurate HDR light rather than the just coming out of an infinite sphere.

I am stuck on how to get a projection to work. I need a ball type projection and be able to translate and rotate it around to line it up with the geo.
So in Maya all I do it move and rotate the ball in the viewport with textures on in viewport to line it up. How do you do this in Houdini? I can see no options anywhere for “ball” projections. I have googled it and got other types of projections but nothing that I need. Any help would be apricated. Best

Edited by Mark Wallman - 2019年7月2日 14:41:57

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Did you try the polar projection mode of the UV Project sop? You'll need lots of vertices to project onto, as linear interpolation is a poor match for polar projections which will result in distortion.

I don't know if there's a handle to control the projection locus and rotation interactively, but there are are parameters on the node. []
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