Vellum/RBD necklace question

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I want to make a beaded necklace that conforms to my character. How can I attach rbd spheres (circle, sphere, copy to points) to the vellum string and have the beads interact with the string/collision objects? What would a basic setup look like? I've turned the spheres into a rigid body and tried attaching them to the string in the dop network with no luck. Sorry if this is stupid simple but I'm a modeler so please forgive me! I've watched most of the tutorials on vellum but can't really understand the path forward for this scenario.

Thanks to anyone that can help a brother out by pointing me in the right direction.

EDIT: I just discovered the granular strand/granular sheet tool! This seems to be what I'm looking for, but I'll have to figure out how to copy my instance “bead” geo to the grain positions.
Edited by decksounds - 2019年11月19日 16:38:35
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grains won't track rotation, so it's not very useful for instances. I would use a bullet/rbd sim with cone-twist constraints between the pieces. You can use a constraint network to generate the constraints procedurally from the same segments that would be used for vellum/grains.
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Thanks a lot! I tried bullet but it kept turning my head mesh into a convex hull which wasn't working but rbd/soft constraints did the trick.

edit: The rdb thing actually didn't conform to the head model, the constraints were completely rigid… so I switched back to bullet and changed the collisions in the static object to concave and it worked.

Thanks for taking the time to help out, here's the result!

Also, here is a really good recent video (after screenshots) on constraint networks for anyone in the same boat as I am.

You can see in this example the rbd wasn't letting the constraints bend no matter what settings I used.

Bullet (constraints work fine)

Edited by decksounds - 2019年11月20日 23:14:04

necklace_2.PNG (30.3 KB)
necklace_3.PNG (31.4 KB)
necklace_4.PNG (130.8 KB)
necklace_1.PNG (134.6 KB)

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I have a question… is there a way to select particular copies from a copy and transform sop? For instance, if I wanted the beads in certain rows to be larger or whatever, can I group them somehow?

Edited by decksounds - 2019年11月20日 23:16:12

necklace_5.PNG (485.4 KB)
necklace_6.PNG (132.6 KB)

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