Collisions with new RBDBulletSolver??

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Hi guys

Houdini 18… I have a wall and a hammer. I created the fracture points using the RBDMaterialFracture node - Rbdconfigure - RBDBulletSolver. My problem is, the hammer is animated to crash through the wall, but I cant figure out how to get the hammer to collide with the wall to create the break. It is separate SOP import and animated. I plugged it into the 4th input of the solver where it calls for collision geometry.

Im a bit new to the RBD system. I know that if I simply dropped an object from the sky it would fracture, but I am now trying to figure out how to create a fracture via collision from another animated object.

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took me awhile fumbling around…gotta admit…it's not ultra intuitive.

check settings in rbdconfig1
Edited by vusta - 2020年2月2日 17:48:33

vu_RBDHammertime.hiplc (916.4 KB)
Hammer.gif (975.4 KB)

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Hmm…I still can't get this thing to interact. Thanks for the demo. It seems pretty straight forward, but after copying the approach there still isn't a break.

WallBreak_v01a.hipnc (966.1 KB)

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Ah, so I went into the RBDsolver and connected the 4th input to the OUTPUT node. That was it. OOF..funny how much time simple solutions can steal from my life. I need a

Thanks chief.
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Still having issues penetrating all the way through. The saga continues..
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So here is what I have so far. Trying to concentrate the area of breakage by the hammer. Used a boolean to create the group = breakMe and used the RBDConfigure to create 2 groups, BreakMe and DoNotBreakMe. Nothing breaks, haha. In addition, I have a hammer that came in an alembic file that I wanted to use as the collision, but since I couldnt get that to work I made a proxy geo to animate and use, but again….meh. Here is the file for your viewing pleasure. Hope to get some help soon, this is killing me.

Thanks y'all.

WallBreak_v01a.hipnc (976.4 KB)

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here you are…I must be the only person left still using an i7 4770K…these fractures are taking aaaaaaaages…..

I had to turn down EVERYTHING, you'll have to put them back to ‘highres’ if you want…I couldn't be stuffed waiting around for fracturing to finish.
Edited by vusta - 2020年2月2日 23:05:00

vuWallBreak_v01a.hipnc (973.6 KB)
smashWall.gif (728.5 KB)

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I think this is a better version,

in the first rbdmaterialfrac, now it frac only the middle bit, not the big wall as well…then we need a second rbdmaterialfrac to glue the middle bits to the surrounding wall, ie. you'll note that in the 2nd rbdmaterialfrac , both fracture tabs have been disabled, we just need to use constraints tab

You'd also have the advantage of setting some glue strength for the middle bits in the 1st frac, then can set a different strength glueing the small bits to the surrounding wall in the 2nd frac

oh wait…maybe the glue strength of the 2nd one would override the 1st one ? dunno maybe a guru can chime in.
Edited by vusta - 2020年2月2日 23:41:32

vuWallBreak_v02.hipnc (988.4 KB)

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I noticed that the geo surface disrupts at the first RBDMatFracture, which a Normals node before the merge worked for that, but then everything breaks at the 2nd RBDMatFrac node. …still working on a solution.


Why would the RBDMatFracture not be able to contain both pieces together? I am still a bit new at understanding this, so forgive me for any small questions? I imagine that if I had a more complex scene, lets say a wall that will take many bullet hits…would I need to then create booleans then use a RBDMatFracture for each piece of that wall? \

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Looked at both files, the second on has issues with geo, and the first one works but every thing explodes once there is contact. The idea that I am going for is when the hammer pushes through the wall, only the contacts break where the hammer pushes through. a cookie.

vuWallBreak_v01c.hipnc (976.7 KB)

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