Karma ROP vs /obj level render flag

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By the looks of it the Karma ROP doesn't respect any of the render flags? I'm converting from an redshift based workflow with a complex scene and using extensive automation to render out subsets that use this flag it's a bit of a roadblock. Rebuilding it all in Solaris is a bit to much r&d..

I did notice the karma rop being a wrapper around a lopnet and digging in there confirms that the renderflag is not ending up in the USD data. I guess I could hack something in there to make it use that flag but I'm hopping I've simply missed a checkbox somewhere.. any clues on how to do this comfortably?
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For now this works to generate a list of candidate objects in the Karma rop without the need to modify the karma hda itself which is nice.

" ".join( [ (f"{x.path()}/*" if x.isSubNetwork() else x.path()) for x in hou.node("/obj").children() if getattr(x,"isDisplayFlagSet",lambda:-1)()] )
Edited by Jonathan de Blok - 2024年1月12日 04:44:42
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Hi Jonathan, can you share a simple hip file that demonstrates the issue? Our goal is for Scene Import (which is what sits inside the Karma ROP) to give out-of-the-box results as similar as possible to what Mantra did. If we've missed the translation of a flag/setting, it'd be good to know so we can address this.
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Hi Jonathan, can you share a simple hip file that demonstrates the issue? Our goal is for Scene Import (which is what sits inside the Karma ROP) to give out-of-the-box results as similar as possible to what Mantra did. If we've missed the translation of a flag/setting, it'd be good to know so we can address this.

Thx for stepping in! And ofcoarse while making a repo scene I found it works just fine. And when I revisited the production scene it was working normally in there as well.

I do notice 'the' viewport bug where objects stop updating in the viewport happens quite a lot recently, could that have been at play here? Not sure if that affects the Karma viewport as well? (It's the issue that the Lab's 'reset viewport' feature fixes)
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Jonathan de Blok
I do notice 'the' viewport bug where objects stop updating in the viewport happens quite a lot recently

If you can trigger this during a screen recording, I'd love to see it so I can investigate further.
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