How to Disable USD Time Samples in LOP vex

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I've developed a camera frustum culling tool in Houdini's Solaris environment using VEX. My tool calculates camera transformations over time to ensure all primitives are accurately included for culling throughout an animation sequence. I retrieve the camera's transformation using usd_attrib and usd_worldtransform with time-sampled values, as shown below:
for(int time = int(start_frame); time <= end_frame; time += int((end_frame - start_frame) / frame_sample)){
    matrix camTransform_anim = usd_attrib("opinput:0", cam_path, "xformOp:transform", time);
Although I iterate over the necessary frames to capture every relevant position of the camera, evaluating every frame's transformation is not required beyond this point. Essentially, I wish to consolidate the time-sampled data into a static form after this iteration, as my culling decision doesn't need to be recalculated for every frame thereafter.

Could you advise on how to either prevent the automatic evaluation of attributes at every frame or how to remove/flatten these time samples after they've been calculated? I aim to optimize the tool by avoiding unnecessary recalculations of the camera's position outside the specified frame range.

Thank you
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on your Attrib Wrangle VOP set Sampling Behavior to Sample Frame Range and set it to a single frame range like 1,1,1
or whichever single frame you want to have your timesample on, like 1001, 1001, 1

this way it will author your property only on that frame running the computation once
Tomas Slancik
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Method Studios, NY
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on your Attrib Wrangle VOP set Sampling Behavior to Sample Frame Range and set it to a single frame range like 1,1,1
or whichever single frame you want to have your timesample on, like 1001, 1001, 1

this way it will author your property only on that frame running the computation once

thank you for reply
but I am using houdini 19.5, there's no Sampling Behavior options.
is there any other way?
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there's another test, I am using houdini20,
I set the timesample to 1,1,1
and use this code to store all camera transform array.

string cam_path = chs("cam_path");
matrix camTransform[];
for(int time=0;time<100;time++){
    camTransform[time] = usd_worldtransform("opinput:0", cam_path,time);
but the param seems also green, it's still timesample base.

solaris_time_sample_issue.png (243.2 KB)

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but the param seems also green, it's still timesample base.
Yes, it should have exactly 1 timesample, it shouldn't execute your code more than once

I personally dont know another way that wouldn't recompute when you change frame
Edited by tamte - 2024年3月19日 22:30:37
Tomas Slancik
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but the param seems also green, it's still timesample base.
Yes, it should have exactly 1 timesample, it shouldn't execute your code more than once

I personally dont know another way that wouldn't recompute when you change frame

Thank you for your reply again
I think it's related to the build in function 'usd_attrib' if use a specific time number, should return non-time sample result.
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Thanks for flagging this, we're investigating it as a bug.
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Thanks for flagging this, we're investigating it as a bug.
OK, Thank you
Is there any way to remove the attribute timesample for now?
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Is there any way to remove the attribute timesample for now?

You'd probably need to dip into the USD Python API to do this. For example:
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath('/cameras/camera1')
attr = prim.GetAttribute('cam_trans')
val = attr.Get(0)  # query a time-sample value
attr.Clear()       # remove all the time-samples
attr.Set(val)      # set a default (non-time-sample) value

At this point you might consider just doing the whole process in Python instead:
node = hou.pwd()
stage = node.editableStage()

from pxr import Sdf, UsdGeom

primpath = '/cameras/camera1'
fstart = 1
fend = 100

prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(primpath)
cam = UsdGeom.Camera(prim)
cam_trans = [cam.ComputeLocalToWorldTransform(f) for f in range(fstart, fend+1)]
attr = prim.CreateAttribute('cam_trans', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Matrix4dArray)
Edited by robp_sidefx - 2024年3月21日 05:58:35
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Seems use python to get transform array no need clear time sample.

Thank you, Problem solved.
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Thank you, Problem solved.

Great! Sorry for the trouble and thank you again for flagging this issue to us.
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