it would be nice to be able to increase the saturation of the pane header colours, without having to increase the saturation of the entire desktop (viewport and all).
Just modify the following lines in your color scheme file
ObjectColor: HSV 210 0.20 0.95
SopColor: HSV 100 0.20 0.95
DopColor: HSV 0 0.20 0.95
PopNetColor: HSV 170 0.20 0.95
PopColor: HSV 170 0.20 0.95
ShopColor: HSV 340 0.20 0.95
VopNetColor: HSV 260 0.20 0.95
VopColor: HSV 260 0.20 0.95
ChopNetColor: HSV 60 0.20 0.95
ChopColor: HSV 60 0.20 0.95
CopNet2Color: HSV 40 0.20 0.95
Cop2Color: HSV 40 0.20 0.95
OutputColor: HSV 20 0.20 0.95
RootColor: HSV 0 0 1
The second number controls the saturation.
(The color scheme file should be in your $HOME/houdini9.1/config directory