Hey folks, it's been more than two years now since I started diving into modeling in Houdini. While I was hearing only bad things about modeling , I wanted to see if there was more than people might know about it. And the short answer is, hell YEA!!!
Not only did I manage to find a way to do modeling in Houdini, but I also found a way where one can have a nice flow while modeling, and honestly as someone who modeled in pretty much all DCC's, even Plasticity, I can say that Houdini does some things much better then any other DCC, not to mention the fact that things staying procedural, even if you call it destructive modeling. That's why I started to call modeling in Houdini Hybrid modeling.
In case there are people interested, here you can find the environment and setup I am using plus some of the modeling I did:
https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVP06Hcz4=/?share_link_id=829218827858 [miro.com]
Is it possible to print out this cheatsheet? I can't find how to export a PDF or PNG from this site.
Unfortunatelz, exporting Miro page in PDF renders file really poorly. So my suggestion would be to just take a screenshot. Miro board should be high res so things should be clear enough with .jpg image. Let me know if that works for you.