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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Materials not rendering properly.
- Lewul
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Materials not rendering properly.
- Lewul
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I had exactly the same problem. My dop network had his display flag on (scene level), and when I was rendering my textures were not visible… I turn the display flag off, and my textures appear in the render. BUT it worked in my scene, and it seems a bit strange, I don't think that it is the solution… (so maybe you will have to cache your simulation)
Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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I don't know if it is the new daily built but sometimes my textures doesn't appear in the render… But they are visibles in the viewport, and my shaders are assigned. And since the last daily built, I have to increase my light intensity, instead of 0.82 for example I have to put 10 or 20 (or more). I think that it was something like a decay, added in the last daily built, because I didn't touch anything (except the sampling, but I doesn't change the intensity).
Sorry Lari you fell on someone without any luck
Edit : sorry I meant “production built” instead of “daily built” (I'm on the 12.5.376)
Edit 2 : ooooh… when disabling the display button on my dop network, my textures seem to appear in the render…
Sorry Lari you fell on someone without any luck

Edit : sorry I meant “production built” instead of “daily built” (I'm on the 12.5.376)
Edit 2 : ooooh… when disabling the display button on my dop network, my textures seem to appear in the render…
Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Wow dude thanks a lot ! And also for the website 
This morning I tried to convert the pipe into a terrain object instead of a static object, and it worked ! Strange… But it works fine with the RBD solver !

This morning I tried to convert the pipe into a terrain object instead of a static object, and it worked ! Strange… But it works fine with the RBD solver !
Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Ok… I have an other problem, I was starting to create a wet map for the “tuyaux” object (the pipe), and of course : the simulation started to react differently. The fluid was just falling down without reacting with pipe, and the cans neither. So I reset the simulation, and the fluid react with the pipe, but not the cans. And I don't know where the problem is coming from…
I feel a bit retarded with this scene.
I feel a bit retarded with this scene.
Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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rafaels : the surface of the fluid created for render, I don't know how to explain…
The thing is that yes I want the particles, but there are two cans falling in my scene, saw I also have to cache the rbd simulation. I put a “file” node at the end of my dop network tree and cache everything, and it seems to work. But then I want to see my geometry “made by” the particles, for my water surface, and I don't know how to do.
But I think Larikaram gave me the answer :
“Second step would be to read your cached particle by checking the load from disk and then cache the mesh with surface_cache. ”
When I do this, nothing happens, and maybe it is because I alsow have my rbd simulation in my sim data… Right ?
So, how can I separate rbd simulation and fluid simulation for caching ?
Thanks !
The thing is that yes I want the particles, but there are two cans falling in my scene, saw I also have to cache the rbd simulation. I put a “file” node at the end of my dop network tree and cache everything, and it seems to work. But then I want to see my geometry “made by” the particles, for my water surface, and I don't know how to do.
But I think Larikaram gave me the answer :
“Second step would be to read your cached particle by checking the load from disk and then cache the mesh with surface_cache. ”
When I do this, nothing happens, and maybe it is because I alsow have my rbd simulation in my sim data… Right ?
So, how can I separate rbd simulation and fluid simulation for caching ?
Thanks !
Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Oh yeap, you're right 3 is a bit high…
About the fluid, when I cache the simulation then I read it back but I don't know what parameter I have to change in the “particle_fluid” node to see the geometry from my sim data. It seems that I only want to make a geometry from particles that are coming from my “flipfluidobject” but not from my cache date ! How can I fix it ?
About the fluid, when I cache the simulation then I read it back but I don't know what parameter I have to change in the “particle_fluid” node to see the geometry from my sim data. It seems that I only want to make a geometry from particles that are coming from my “flipfluidobject” but not from my cache date ! How can I fix it ?
Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Thanks for your answer ! I'm stupid I should have given you the images…
My spec : my spec : 8go ram, Core i7 2.20GHz, GT540M.
The size of the pipe texture is very large (I'm not in my computer currently, I don't remember the size).
How much time does it take on your machine ?
And it's even longer with the water…
Thanks for your answer ! I'm stupid I should have given you the images…
My spec : my spec : 8go ram, Core i7 2.20GHz, GT540M.
The size of the pipe texture is very large (I'm not in my computer currently, I don't remember the size).
How much time does it take on your machine ?
And it's even longer with the water…
Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Here is the HIP file ! But I don't have another example with the same problem 
EDIT : it was not the good version of my project, so I replaced it by another one (the good one).

EDIT : it was not the good version of my project, so I replaced it by another one (the good one).
Work in Progress » Water Pipe
- Lewul
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Hi everyone,
I'm starting a little project : water flowing into a pipe, taking two coke cans with it.
(I'm still caching the sim, but it's taking a looot of time… And by the way : is 0.009 a good particle separation ?)
I just have two questions for the moment :
- I have two portal lights, are those lights long to render ?
My pixel sample is 6 by 6 (maybe too much), my noise level 0.01, max ray samples to 10, diffuse limit to 1, and pixel filter in gaussian 2 2. Those are the only settings I changed. But even with lower samples, the render is still too much long… (my spec : 8go ram, Core i7 2.20GHz, GT540M)
- Why is the render taking 35 minutes for this simple image ? I really mean 35min… And the resolution is only 768x431 !
(sorry for my bad english)
I'm starting a little project : water flowing into a pipe, taking two coke cans with it.
(I'm still caching the sim, but it's taking a looot of time… And by the way : is 0.009 a good particle separation ?)
I just have two questions for the moment :
- I have two portal lights, are those lights long to render ?
My pixel sample is 6 by 6 (maybe too much), my noise level 0.01, max ray samples to 10, diffuse limit to 1, and pixel filter in gaussian 2 2. Those are the only settings I changed. But even with lower samples, the render is still too much long… (my spec : 8go ram, Core i7 2.20GHz, GT540M)
- Why is the render taking 35 minutes for this simple image ? I really mean 35min… And the resolution is only 768x431 !
(sorry for my bad english)
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Long Time Maya User trying to learn Houdini
- Lewul
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Long Time Maya User trying to learn Houdini
- Lewul
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Select a part of the object, not the entire object, and then add the other part of the object in your selection. I can't select the entire object in one time too.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Delete cached FLIP particles that are in a geo/volume
- Lewul
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Instead of trying to delete particles why don't you try to increase your “uniform divisions” of your mesh ?
Instead of trying to delete particles why don't you try to increase your “uniform divisions” of your mesh ?
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Houdini smoke to 3dsmax
- Lewul
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Houdini smoke to 3dsmax
- Lewul
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Houdini smoke to 3dsmax
- Lewul
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Houdini smoke to 3dsmax
- Lewul
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Is there a simple way to export a smoke simulation made in Houdini to 3dsmax ?
Is there a simple way to export a smoke simulation made in Houdini to 3dsmax ?
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