problem with installing ubuntu 8.04 64bit...

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i have tried downloading and installing ALL 64bit linux clients. NONE work. i do not know if it is due to corrupt download or not, but i have tried downloading each one SEVERAL times in a row, deleting the old one before i do.

the archive manager or whatever it is called always gives an error when trying to open the package. i have also tried to manually extract the contents for a manual install, and it still wont work using tar -xvzf command in the terminal window. i just do not get what is wrong. i understand that this is not ubuntu 7.10, but still, it SHOULD work if it works for 7.10.

has anyone else ran into a similar issue?
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Here's the message I got."

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Is this the same one you get?

I have tried every way imaginable to get this to extract because it DOES work under uvuntu/xubuntu x64 and it is FAST!
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Did you do a md5 checksum?
What's the exact command you are giving for the tar command? tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz must work. Tar doesn't like using wildcards like *.tar.gz, better use the exact filename.
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spburns@spburns-desktop:~$ md5sum /home/spburns/Desktop/houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.tar
aeb592a585badb3a42d639462f49d99a /home/spburns/Desktop/houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.tar
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This MD5 checksum is for a file that has been already unzipped, so it is hard to tell if it is corrupted or not. On the download page you will find the MD5 link next to the download link, so you can compare your checksum with the one listed there.
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I'm having the exact problems as described above.

I tried unzipping the file but get the error posted in post 2.
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Sean4000, your file has .tar format and not the .tar.gz so tar zxvf won't work. Try tar xvf instead. Please try using the console for unpacking the files and post the commands you are using.
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I download it this one Linux x86_64 gcc4.1 (tar.gz) 186.2 MB

just right click extract it, install from shell.

no problems at all on ubuntu 8.04.1 64 bit

works great
varomix - Founder | Educator @ Mix Training
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Yeah it should work Varomix but guess for some it doesn't. In the shell you get more sane error reports. I don't know much about ubuntu but it might be something with hiding the extension of the file the way window does by default. That might be the issue.
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I tried all 32 versions, but i get the same error.
Ubuntu 8.04 here.
With 9.5beta I didn't have problem

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

EDIT: I download 32windows and 32linux (both apprentice) in Vista with IE7 and works!
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I tested the file, deleting the .gz part from the file and still extracts fine I even rename it to .RAR and still extracted, I think it might be a download error.
varomix - Founder | Educator @ Mix Training
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spburns@spburns-desktop:~$ tar -zxvf /home/spburns/Desktop/houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.tar.gz

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
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i have downloaded it using another computer and the file worked fine when I transfered it.

My system has Two quad core CPUs, how I know if they all are being used by Houdini?
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Try the cli top command.
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i had the exact same error as sean. the windows versions work perfect for me, however ANY of the linux versions just will not extract. i have tried all the commands here, and NONE extract them. and yes, i did check the md5 sum each time. they matched each time, yet produced that same error unfailingly, EVERY TIME.

i just think it is some sort of issue with ubuntu 8.04.1 64 bit.
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I was downloaded all Debian versions, and when I download from linux browser (opera and firefox), the .tar.gz file is not valid gzip header.

$ file houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.1.tar.gz
houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.1.tar.gz: exported SGML document text

However when I download from Windows browser (firefox and opera also), the file header is a correct gzip header.

$ file houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.1.tar.gz
houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.1.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Fri Jul 18 07:42:55 2008

I was tried download Redhat and Linux packages versions, and .7z self-extracting file works ok. Extract and install, all ok. His header is correct.

file houdini-9.5.170-linux_i686_gcc3.4.7z
houdini-9.5.170-linux_i686_gcc3.4.7z: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped

Anyone have a idea of why downloaded .tar.gz with linux is bad header??


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I think the possible problem is resolved now.

Today I download again .tar.gz package versions, both gcc3 and gcc4, and now the file header is ok.

$ file houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc3.4.tar.gz
houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc3.4.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Fri Jul 18 08:03:14 2008

$ file houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.1.tar.gz
houdini-9.5.170-linux_x86_64_gcc4.1.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Fri Jul 18 07:42:55 2008
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