Emit Particles based on Normal Angle from camera

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I am trying to create an effect where just the edges of my object with respect to the camera emit particles. I can delete by normals to get just the edges, but I am looking to get a smooth falloff to drive particle emission.

I am trying to color my points based on their orientation to the camera and then use the point colors to drive the particle emission rate. I can see how this is done in a shader context, but in geometry context I am not sure how to calculate the point normals with respect to the camera.

Any ideas or other methods of doing this?
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Hi aswaab. By knowing how to do this in the shading context, you're pretty much all the way there. You can use the same tools.

I attached a simple example with a VOP SOP. The only part which I think is not self explanatory is getting the camera position into VOPs. You can do this with a Parameter VOP of Vector type with the Translate Parameter of the camera referenced into it.

Good luck dude.

brn_sopsfacing.hip (79.1 KB)

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Thanks for putting that together, Brian. I'll have a look and see if it all makes sense.
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