how to have the wire not stretchy?

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I have tested and tweaking the parameters to have the look that I want.
Then I figure the higher value of Angular Spring Constant parameter makes my wire not stretchy, but then it kinda holds my wire in the normal direction.
I want to have the wire relaxed (not floating in the air in normal direction).
If I lower the value of the Angular Spring Constant, it relaxes my wire, but makes the wire stretched…

How can I achieve the look that I want having the wire not stretched at all (=not even a bit)?

I appreciate your help!

www.jpg (105.3 KB)
wire.hip (154.4 KB)

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I have tested and tweaking the parameters to have the look that I want.
Then I figure the higher value of Angular Spring Constant parameter makes my wire not stretchy, but then it kinda holds my wire in the normal direction.
I want to have the wire relaxed (not floating in the air in normal direction).
If I lower the value of the Angular Spring Constant, it relaxes my wire, but makes the wire stretched…

How can I achieve the look that I want having the wire not stretched at all (=not even a bit)?

I appreciate your help!

How about this?
So what I did is I used the frame 200 or something from your simulation where each curve settles down than I used that frame as rest and initial pose and start the simulation again and it works…….


wire_968-Himanshu.hip (238.6 KB)

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Thank you for the response.
I checked your hip file, but I think it is still hanging in the normal direction.
It is slightly better, but I can still see that is is slightly(really tiny) stretching, also the top wire and side wires are not relaxed all the way.
The blue line position is what I want.
The grey line is what I get in the last frame from your hip flie, and blue line is what I want.
I might simulate this few more time using same method you suggested to achieve the look I want, but then it will be still stretched (accumulated through the simulations). Also I have longer and much more wires for my final scene, so I would like to know if there's any simple and faster way…

Thank you )

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I just simulated two times more, and got this look.
As I worried, I got little bit of distortion on the top wire… and stretched look (see the red point) compared to my original position.

wewe.jpg (102.7 KB)

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As paradoxical as this may sound, I think the wire might actually not be stretching, just bending. On the last image, the bottom of the bottom wire did move down, but the curve was also less wide. It could be that the total length of the wire didn't change, even locally, but that it simply bent into a different shape.

If there's an easy way to reduce bending (I haven't done anything with wire, so I don't know how; I think you're probably right with the angular spring constant thing), maybe try that and see what happens. I'm pretty sure there's a way to allow different amounts of bending at different parts of the wire if you still want to have the bending near the fixed point and not elsewhere. I just have no experience with wire.
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Thank you for the response.
I checked your hip file, but I think it is still hanging in the normal direction.
It is slightly better, but I can still see that is is slightly(really tiny) stretching, also the top wire and side wires are not relaxed all the way.
The blue line position is what I want.
The grey line is what I get in the last frame from your hip flie, and blue line is what I want.
I might simulate this few more time using same method you suggested to achieve the look I want, but then it will be still stretched (accumulated through the simulations). Also I have longer and much more wires for my final scene, so I would like to know if there's any simple and faster way…

Thank you

If that's the case than I seriously don't know how to make it look like what you want. Yeah that's true that wire solver is always been a pain,……And even I didn't knew too much about wire so sorry about that……
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I must admit I am having great difficulty trying to understand what your trying to do. Ive opened your scene and what would help is if you created some points for the copy sop and aimed the normals on those points so your wires at least point in the right direction , next create the shapes of wire you want and sim. All of that can be done within 100 frames not 700.
I would look at some of the hair tools to create curl as I think you can have more curl at the tip than root.

Your scene did get me thinking though about how to hang things off wires !

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I don't get it either. If I had to take a guess tho, I think what you want to do is have angular and linear stretch stiffness vary across the length of your wires. This would give you flexibility at one end, and stiffness at the other.

there are plenty of ways you can do this, attached is one simple method using a metaball and a magnet sop to create point colours, and then taking the CR component of the colour and making that your kangular strength.

wire_w_point_attr.hip (164.8 KB)

john mariella
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hm… that one seems to be stretched…

What I want is wires to just relax by gravity without deforming(stretching).
Like, let's say it is really really hard material that would never band or stretched…

like let's say if there's pivot on the end of the each line, and transform it to 180 degrees for top one and 90/-90 degrees for side ones. That would be the look I want to get.
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ok, last stab at it….
sounds like all you wanted was a point constraint…

wire_w_constraint.hip (235.5 KB)

john mariella
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