Hide object from reflections

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I have issue with this. I need object not to be visible in reflections. And if I add -reflect in Render visibility I see shadow of that object in reflection. Here is screenshot http://d.pr/i/11Hta [d.pr] . What I need is this http://d.pr/i/Ay4X [d.pr] , and I get that by adding -shadow, but than again I need that object to cast shadow …

Is this supposed to work like this, in Blender I get what I expect ?
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If you want a object not to be visible in another objects reflection or to cast a shadow onto the reflective object ? > if so just set to primary in the objects visibility tab .

example 1 .uses primary ,
example 2 uses the reflection mask on the object and the shadow mask on the spot light , this way the object shows up in the balls reflection and casts a shadow on it but not the grid.

test_reflection_mask.hip (1.9 MB)

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This works until you add Environment in scene, than you start seeing that object in reflections again, what I expect to see is environment reflection, but what Houdini reflects is environment being blocked by that object and than it reflect that …

Than I need to exclude it from shadow and than it does not render how I need it, so I need to create several passes, which I just wanted to skip.

I do not want this to reflect here http://note.io/1EHBNER [note.io], and if I go to Reflection mask and set to reflect everything except that object I get this http://note.io/1GABQPU [note.io] . Unless in render visibility I add -shadow, which than do not cast shadows where I need them.

I guess it should be like that but it is just too unpractical
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Hi , if you dont want object the object to receive object reflections just turn off the ability in the shader refer to example and the unchecked object reflections ( chrome ball shader) To have the object not cast shadows use the shadow mask in the lights.


test_reflection_mask_01.hip (2.4 MB)

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anyone can tell me how to stop the HDRI reflection. in 19.5

untitled.hip (466.3 KB)
ref.png (1.2 MB)

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