MakeHuman FBX Issue?

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Hi All,

I am trying to convert an FK rig to an IK rig using the Bone tool. The initial rig comes from a Make Human export (basic.json).

I click on the Bones tool.
I choose Inverse Kinematics from the drop down list.
I right-click in the viewport and choose Add Kinematics…
I am prompted to select the first bone and that works (bright yellow).
I hit the ENTER key and the next prompt appears.

This is where the error occurs, no matter what bone I click on it never selects, thus I can not complete the process and the tool does not create a CHOP network.

NOTE: The bone does highlight when I move the mouse over it but when I click it never selects or turns bright yellow like the first bone did.

Is this a problem with the Make Human rig or is it something else?

I am attaching the bone skeleton if anyone has time to give it a try?
Edited by - 2015年12月3日 07:01:43

ap_make_human_bone_rig_1a.hipnc (2.3 MB)
Untitled-1.jpg (46.6 KB)

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there is something goofy going on there…I'll look into it.
AH of course….the IK tools expect a hierarchy of bones, not bones that are independent children of nulls like in the fbx

however, even if you were able to put IK on those bones - each bone is oriented using a look-at – shin_L_bone > look at ../foot_L etc

so the IK will have no effect.

I think makeHunam has a BVH export option - you should give that a try…
Michael Goldfarb |
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Ok, I exported a BVH from MakeHuman and ran mcbiovision convert on it. This gets me a .CMD file which I can run. After I connect the MOCAP CHOP to the .bclip file I can see the bone structure is intact. I tried the Bones tool as mentioned above and now the tool works as expected.

However, now I have a rig that is not bound to the mesh in any way. What is nice about MakeHuman is the deformations work right out of the box.

Is there anyway to migrate those weights/capture regions from one bone set to the other?

It looks like all the bone names are different even though both rigs came from the same source.
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I haven't tried the makeHuman tools in a while but there should be a way to transfer the capture info …

are the bones the same in the BVH and the FBX? (names don't matter)
Michael Goldfarb |
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One thing I just noticed about the two rigs, the FBX compared to the BVH is that the FBX appears to have lost the TOE bone on import. The FBX also has lost the JAW bone as well. It seems like the last bone of a chain is sometimes not created during an FBX import. Blender has an option called “Add Leaf Bone” which I have been using to compensate for this loss but MakeHuman does not.

The odd thing is that the FBX file does contain an entry for the toe.L but it is just not created.

I am attaching a scene with both RIGs side-by-side. The BVH rig is shown in yellow.

Untitled-1.jpg (83.2 KB)
ap_make_human_bone_rig_1b.hipnc (4.0 MB)

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the bone is not lost ,it just become very tiny. it is doable to transfer weights via python sop.
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. it is doable to transfer weights via python sop.
have you done this before? I'd be interested in seeing an example
Michael Goldfarb |
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Hmmm, I tried a makehuman bvh with

Name bones using only the end joint name, instead of combining the start and end names.

$ mcbiovision -d -s F___interim/Rig_only.bvh
Error on line 1176: Not enough motion data for channels.

while a DAZ bvh gives me a result….
$ mcbiovision -d -s F__Chibby/Chibby.bvh

My idea was to have the original bone names to get then the assigned weights…
But no luck with the makehuman file.
Edited by matthias_k - 2017年1月22日 16:39:44

Rig_only.bvh (39.0 KB)
Chibby.bvh (73.6 KB)

English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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I just export FBX out of MakeHuman and then do any rig fixup/controllers with python inside of Houdini. This simplifies things and keeps the rig fairly portable if I need to use another program to make assets that work with the rig.
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