Export Heightmap

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Hi all,

I am new to Houdini so my apologies if this is if I am missing something simple here. I have a sphere that I used an Attribute VOP to displace points and add hills. I want to be able to export a heightmap based on the displacement.

I think to do this I would have to somehow export the value from my Displace Along Normal node but I do not know how to do this. I tried a Point Cloud Export but that does not seem to be right.

I have added a pic of my original sphere, the displaced sphere and the network. I have also uploaded my .hiplc if that helps anyone.

Thank you,

Edited by Clinton Walsh - 2016年11月29日 00:11:53

displaced_planet.hiplc (246.8 KB)
sphere.png (899.4 KB)
Displaced.png (957.2 KB)
DisplacementNetwork.png (183.6 KB)

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there are no attachments.
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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Sorry about that. Thank you for pointing it out. I have edited the original post to include the attachments.
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howdy clinton. to export your displacement value as a texture map, using texture baking will be your best bet. you can plug your displacement amount value into color (Cd), make a constant shader where point color is output directly as surface color, and then use the the bake texture render node [sidefx.com] to output your displacement color as a texture.

if you do all of the work in a shader (at the sample level rather than at the geometric level in SOPs), you'll get more detail in your texture map.

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