New feature: UCX / Simple Collisions

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Hi everyone,

The latest build of the plug-in has a feature that's been requested for a while:
you can now generate simple colliders (box, sphere, capsule and K-DOPs) as well as Convex Hulls ( similar to “UCX” for FBX) instead of relying on separate mesh components. These work using the same grouping convention as the previous colliders.

For convex hulls, you'll need to group your geometry in a group starting with collision_geo_ucx or rendered_collision_geo_ucx (if you want that part to be also visible) and a convex hull collider will be generated upon cook.

Simple colliders work in the same way, with the collision_geo_simple and rendered_collision_geo_simple groups.
By default, a DOP26 collider will be created, but you can specify the type of the desired colliders by adding it to the group name: box, capsule, sphere, kdop10X, kdop10Y, kdop10Z, kdop18 or kdop26.

ie: collision_geo_simple_sphere_xxxxx or rendered_collision_geo_simple_yyy_kdop10X

Let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or problems regarding that!
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I have a tool setup to modify the collision of a houdini asset in UE4 but am stuck on how to make the collision apart of the same component as my mesh.. I've tried just merging them in the graph, but it creates two components, which is still just the old complex collision model.

How would I make this relationship in the graph, so I only have one component with real collision hulls on bake?
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How did you set up your collisions?
If you're using simple/ucx colliders, the collisions should be in the generated static mesh, not as a separate component. The complex collider (collision_geo / rendered_collision_geo) will however, generate a separate mesh,

I've attached an image with a simple example:

A sphere with two convex hull colliders, one group with only the top vertices selected, another with the bottom.
The collision groups are invisible (collision_geo_ucx) and merged with the sphere geometry.

The end result is a single sphere mesh, with two convex colliders.

If I had used complex colliders (with groups called collision_geo_top and collision_geo_bottom), I would have had 3 meshes, the sphere, and the two non visible colliders.

SphereColliders.PNG (24.1 KB)

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I copied exactly what you have, but am still unable to achieve the correct result.

With ‘Group Type’ set to Points, I get no collision at all. With it set to Prims, I get multiple separated meshes, that act as complex colliders.

Is it possible that I am not on the correct plugin version? I installed a clean version of Houdini 16.0.450 and included plugins with UE4 4.14.3

I've attached my setup matching yours in case there is anything extra that I am missing. I am creating a digital asset directly from sphere_object1

Testing_UCX_Collision_00.hip (58.8 KB)

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16.0.450 didn't have simple and ucx collider support, so you should update to the latest 16 version.

The setup you used in the hip file should work fine.
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That was it, thank you
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I've got a problem with collision_geo_ucx_ and rendered_collision_geo_ucx_ in H16U4.17 branch. It's seems invisible colliders naming doesn't generate collision at all (rendered_collision_geo_ucx_ works fine).
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