Socket Limit on New Daily Build?

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I have the latest daily build 372 and I seem to be hitting a hard limit of 32 sockets when importing hda into Unreal.

In previous versions I have been able to have well over 100 sockets on an imported HDA and it baked into Unreal with no issues.

As a side not I get this message

LogHoudiniEngine: Warning: dt_prefab_room_floors_5: Failed to create Instancer from part OUT_Unreal_1

whether or not my hda has sockets.

I am going back to previous version for now.

Just confirmed on 351 all my sockets over 32 are generating properly. Still seeing that instancer message though.
Edited by Aladin Sane - 2018年2月2日 03:16:43
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There's no hard limit on the sockets in the latest version (see the attached screenshot).

However, the StaticMesh creation code and the socket attachment logic was refactored and optimized for adding LOD support. One of the change on sockets attahcment is that they are now added to all the meshes that belong to the same object/geo/part, whereas before, so the missing sockets on your HDA might be a side effect of this.

The instancer error is a separate issue from the socket one, for some reason, the plug-in fails to create one of the instancer in your HDA.

Would you be able to send us your hda so I can have a look at this issue?

Sockets.PNG (1.1 MB)

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There's no hard limit on the sockets in the latest version (see the attached screenshot).

However, the StaticMesh creation code and the socket attachment logic was refactored and optimized for adding LOD support. One of the change on sockets attahcment is that they are now added to all the meshes that belong to the same object/geo/part, whereas before, so the missing sockets on your HDA might be a side effect of this.

The instancer error is a separate issue from the socket one, for some reason, the plug-in fails to create one of the instancer in your HDA.

Would you be able to send us your hda so I can have a look at this issue?


Just FYI, I added removed sockets manually one by one to test this. All of my sockets are added via attribute wrangle. The geo is a single piece as far as I can tell.
Edited by Aladin Sane - 2018年2月2日 11:18:19

dt_prefab_room_floor_base.hdalc (37.0 KB)

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I did some test with your HDA, but I dont have the embedded HDAs, so had to replace the geometry generation part of it.
However, I did manage to get all 57 sockets generated by the attribute wrangle node (“sockets”) without any issue.
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I did some test with your HDA, but I dont have the embedded HDAs, so had to replace the geometry generation part of it.
However, I did manage to get all 57 sockets generated by the attribute wrangle node (“sockets”) without any issue.

hmmm sorry about the embedded issue. I will create a flat test node next time. I will try it again.
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Just a quick update on this, I fixed a bug that was causing missing sockets in 16.5.377.
( sockets created by a part that did not generate geometry were ignored )
This may have been what was causing the issue on your side.
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