New plugin features: Custom input scripts hook & terrain input support

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As of Houdini 17.0.398 and 16.5.652, the plugin supports terrain as input and will create a heightfield network in Houdini, with all but the base alphamaps as extra heightfield layers. For more info on this: []

Also added is an improved mechanism for how input nodes are created and data uploaded from Unity's gameobjects (which are used as input objects). The new mechanism allows users to create their custom input scripts, register them automatically with the Editor, and these will be used by the input utility class if the script can indeed upload the data in the input object. For more info: []

HEU_InputInterfaceMesh.cs and HEU_InputInterfaceTerrain.cs both provide examples of HEU_InputInterface derived classes handling uploading of mesh and terrain objects, respectively. You can write your own version of these scripts and have them used instead, without needing to modifying the plugin code.

Questions / feedback are welcome.
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