viewport and camera behavior

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I mostly try to prevent any modeling in Houdini because coming from Softimage it's just too frustrating.

Every time I try, I run into stuff where I ask myself if it's the way it's supposed to work, a bug, or just a user error. Especially regarding viewport interaction and selections.

But I currently have to edit an animated FBX in Houdini and I'm running into some strange issues.

I did it before and I'll report it again, the camera focus in Houdini is really all over the place, when I focus on my selection and try to rotate the view, especially after some editing, the focal point is suddenly way off, and I lose focus of my selection while rotating. I often find myself fighting the interface and trying to fix viewport interaction when I try to do some modeling in Houdini which is really distracting.

Whenever I switch from “show all objects” to to “hide all objects”, or from “geometry selection mode” to “object selection mode”, the camera / viewport of all “no camera” viewports changes, so I'm losing focus of the selected geometry. Where's the logic behind that ? And is there a setting I can adjust to prevent that from happening, besides creating a camera for all viewports ?

When I select some polygons of my animated FBX and try to focus on my selection using “space F”, it sometimes stops working, the viewport focuses on the world center. I have to use “space g” to focus but that also changes the viewing angle so I lose focus, after that it seems “space f” is working for a while, until it breaks again. Is there any logic behind that, or is this a bug ?

Wouldn't it be great if the radial view menu would automagically adjust the view the mouse is currently over, like in any other 3D app ? And if it would work reliably, because very often it simply stops working.

That way we don't have to constantly use the hotkey or dropdown to select the proper viewport first. This way it's even faster to not use the radial menu, and take the long road of using the dropdown menu every single time you want to adjust the shading.
What's the advantage of this workflow ? The way this works now smells like viewport control from the 90's


Edited by toonafish - 2020年9月6日 07:10:29
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I think that's just that your preferences for the 3d viewports that you may be adjust.

Hope that helps !

viewportsPref.jpg (101.0 KB)

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Thanks, I'm going to try that.


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