[VIDEO] Comparing the Guide Groom Sop - H18.5 v H19

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Hi everyone,

Over the past few months I have experimented a lot with the new Guide Groom Sop in Houdini 19.
Groom is the main discipline I work in so I naturally pay attention to any release dealing with tools in this area.

I have notice some major differences in functionality between the new rewritten Sop and the previous one.
Hope this video will highlight some of my thoughts on the change.

Edited by abvfx - 2022年7月12日 01:27:47
Senior Groom TD @ Industrial Light & Magic - abvfx [abvfx.me]
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I think your video triggered something inside sidefx!

From today's build:
"Added a cut brush to Guide Groom 2.0, similar to the one in 1.0."

I still haven't tested It. Have you?
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Yea I also submitted a ticket via the RFE link with the video.

SESI got back to me almost immediately and said that they appreciated the video.

Submitting via that system gets all bugs and requests tracked into their system.

I will be testing today. And I look forward to the addition of Resample all affected curves during sculpt mode.

Nonetheless I am very impressed at the speed of their response!!
Senior Groom TD @ Industrial Light & Magic - abvfx [abvfx.me]
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Tested Cut brush - Works like expected

Nice one SESI!!
Senior Groom TD @ Industrial Light & Magic - abvfx [abvfx.me]
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I thought I would give an update on this as 19.5 nears.

I logged a bug about the removed features back in February. Side Effects Support Ticket: #118070

After the cut brush was added I then received this message.

I had forgotten about the resample-as-you-go feature though. I agree that this is also a very useful one for the use case you're showing. Will implement that as well. I don't think you'll have to wait for 19.5 for this, we can add this to a daily build.

But last month, I was emailed support about if this feature would come back.

I apologise for the delay, but our developers are not able to give me any update on this RFE.

So it looks like this feature is gone and won't be returning any time soon.
Senior Groom TD @ Industrial Light & Magic - abvfx [abvfx.me]
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Thanks for the update. I was initially really excited about H19's groom tools, and the new features are indeed fantastic, but after spending more time with it I found a bunch of things that are objectively worse than the old system. I submitted bugs and RFEs about it (as I'm sure did many others), so hopefully 19.5 will be improved.
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This issue has been fixed in H 19.5.

Turn on Maintain Even Length Segments when Constrain Length is turned off.

Thank you SideFx for you efforts. I consider these regressions to be resolved.
Edited by abvfx - 2022年7月23日 14:45:25

resample.jpg (38.6 KB)

Senior Groom TD @ Industrial Light & Magic - abvfx [abvfx.me]
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