Reloading geometry after TOPnet process

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I have a bit of a complex scene file in which I do a few things:
1) I create a randomized Context Option, which is intended to signify a randomly-chosen color (I articulate this as a string of three floats in the Context Option, e.g. "0.5 0.25 0.76".
2) I have a geometry network that grabs this string and processes it to set Cd on some primitives.
3) I have a topNet that randomizes some attributes on the above geometry, then writes these to disk
4) This same scene file reads the cached geometry and sets it up to be rendered.

Something seems to be misbehaving in this workflow, however; the geometry color seems to get 'stuck', and doesn't update properly each time I randomize the Context Option. The TOPnet indeed cooks out different geometry each time, but the color of the geometry stays the same, despite the Context Option changing.

I'm curious why this might be? I'm still relatively new to TOPS, and it's not entirely clear to me what's happening under the hodo that might cause this.
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try using OP Notify TOP to force sops to reload
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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