Farhad Saddigh


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Recent Forum Posts

Curves Getting Stretched July 25, 2024, 3:01 p.m.

Hi dear forum members,

If I have an object with a curve drawn around it then how can I get the curves stretched when the object gets bigger or inflated via DOP simulation?

Can I also get the curve being torn apart as the result of too much inflation?

I guess vellum hair might do that but not sure.

Translucency in Mantra or Karma July 16, 2024, 3:15 a.m.

Hi everybody,

What is the best way to get translucency effect for thin curtain or flower petal type things inside of Houdini rendering? I tried transparency and SSS with not much success and could not find detailed discussion.

Any hint on that please?

Extracting Isocountors from 3d Geometry without Boolean June 30, 2024, 5:10 a.m.

Hi everybody,

I can extract the lines from meshes using stacked copies of grids and then doing Boolean but is there a more general way of doing it so that the contours will not need to be parallel?

Thanks in advance