Jonathan Mack


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H20.5 vulkan viewport work correct with Intel GPU? July 26, 2024, 12:29 p.m.

Hi, i have a intel gpu(a770 8G), and it looks not work with new vulkan viewport, in geometry op, models can't display in viewport;
if i switch to opengl mode and save the config, next time i open houdini it still maintains vulkan mode and not work with intel gpu.
Anyone met this problem?

have you tried the environment variable? set HOUDINI_VULKAN_VIEWER=0

COP's / Copernicus - caching for live playback!? July 26, 2024, 11:20 a.m.

If copernicus should be considered for compositing tasks it needs some sort of caching..linke dops have.

With the current speed of loading exrs it can never be realtime without caching. Simple loading of productions exr's (sequences) is soo extrem slow right now its unuseable.

Well, it should not be considered for that, the devs have stated that is not the goal for this release.

the idea is you make a network fast enough that it doesn't need one

The idea is sipmly bad. Copernicus is very slow. None of the cool things they showed in demo can be realistically cooked in realtime on a consumer level PC.

I don't know about you but I've had plenty of setups that run at over 100fps, and at 30 fps at 4k.

Does ramp work correctly in Copernicus? July 26, 2024, 11:17 a.m.

Let's take noise from 0 to 1 and include it in the monotorgb and ramp nodes, and set the ramp color to infrared. We see that in monotorgb the colors have become from blue to red, as it should be. And in the ramp node - from green to red, as if ramp is waiting for an input from -1 to +1, which is not typical at all.
Is this a bug or do I not understand the logic of the node?

The ramp node takes a 2d position input in image space, meaning -1 to 1 by -1 to 1 in x and y. The monotorgb node is a better choice for recoloring a 1d grayscale source. You could use a bright node to refit first and use the ramp node with a 1d input as well.