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houdini and modo March 12, 2012, 5:28 a.m.

thanks for the replies. i've been playing a bit

the fbx support seems to open all my files, although the camera gets killed - is this a issue everybody has?

i checked out the chanIO plugin. seems to be very nice, but i didn't get my head wrapped around it yet - how would one import the channels into houdini and link it to the camera?


houdini and modo March 6, 2012, 3:55 a.m.

thanks for the feedback.

have you ever tried using the alembic rout? i either get crashes or a long, ugly error message…

houdini and modo March 3, 2012, 10:06 p.m.

hi there. i've been playing around with the apprentice version, but have this one question is it possible to bring models / cameras / lights / animation to houdini from modo? and back if necessary? i thought alembic would do this quite well, but houdini always just gives me a strange msg upon import.

sw versions would be modo 601 and h12 apprentice.
