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Crowd Agent *Custom* Avoidance Oct. 31, 2018, 12:10 p.m.

I'm running into that same issue too. What I've done for now is have them do a pcopen lookup of their neighbors and slow down if they are within a certain distance and if there is a certain amount of neighbors near them. Also, I have a flow field that they follow. It helps but there are still issues. Still, I hope to hear if anyone else has a solution to this.

Unique name attribute in voronoi fracture? Jan. 7, 2014, 9:29 p.m.

Hey Herve,

Here you go. I redid your scene. Just make them RBD Fracture Objects first and then use Glue Adjacent.

Say Hello to Jacob.


Unique name attribute in voronoi fracture? Jan. 7, 2014, 9:01 p.m.

Hey Herve,

Hope you are well.
From your file, this looks correct. Delete all the groups except for one. For example,@name=piece0. You should get one group made up of several primitives that belong to piece0.

What I did was create a new primitive attribute(Foo) and set it's value to $PR. This will give each prim a unique Foo value. The in a foreach sop set to Each Attribute Value with the Attribute set to Foo. Go inside, copy the first Value from the each node and set it as the group name: group`stamp(“..”, chs(“../forstamp”) + “1”, 0)`. That should do it.

Hope that makes sense. Here is your file.
