Moved some geo with VEX recently?

Sine and cosine again, easy stuff, nothing special, but maybe you can have some fun with it anyway ...
I made this really quick,  so if you have any questions/feel something important is missing, please leave a comment.

Have Fun :)



  • sagay 5 years, 2 months ago  | 

    "ขอบคุณนะคะที่ให้ฝากเว็บ :pyสล็อต"

  • illusionistics 5 years, 1 month ago  | 

    ชอบที่จะเกิดขึ้น :)

  • kwaz0 5 years, 1 month ago  | 

    Not really sure what expression you are writing out at 25seconds.

  • illusionistics 5 years, 1 month ago  | 

    Hey kwaz0, you mean the very beginning?
    It´s just adding a sine function "sin()" to the X-component/axis of Position "@P.x".
    "@P.x += sin(@Time);" being a common abbreviation for "@P.x = @P.x + sin(@Time);"
    "@Time" is the time of your sim/animation (in seconds) and therefore increases as the animation plays forward.
    If you use this as value in the sine function ("sin(@Time)"), you get different values from it each frame that oscillate betrween positive and negative
    e.g. a sine wave. Add said values to PosX ("@P.x += sin(@Time);") and you get the back-and-forth motion along the X-axis... .
    Did that hit the spot? Or did you mean something else?

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