Houdini and Hqueue part01 : principles

We will discover the network rendering with Houdini and Hqueue. We compare it to Deadline software, talk about licences, difference between houdini and houdini engine. We will spent time on the network rendering works (renderfarm) and choose our OS (windows and Linux) to make our own renderfarm.

Houdini and Hqueue part 02 : Install and configure your Hqueue server on windows

In my case, the Hqueue server and the shared network folder will be on windows. We will add an Hqueue client on the same computer and test it on local.

Houdini and Hqueue part03 : How to install Houdini on Linux

we will split the course with linux in differents parts. The first one is the installation for Houdini and its Hqueue client. I use Zorin but you can use an other linux distro.

Houdini and Hqueue part 04 : Configure the HQueue Client to the Hqueue server

second part on Linux, we will configure the Hqueue client to have the slave computer under the Hqueue server management. We will learn how to edit file with vim and use "sudo" command to edit as administrator.

Houdini and Hqueue part 05 : HQclient as automatic service and link HFS to the correct houdini path

On the previous video, we discovered that the HQueue client is not automatically launched after a computer reboot. We will solve an other issue, transform the Target HFS to the correct path to Houdini folder related to the OS

Houdini and Hqueue part 06 : permanant mount on Linux and last tweaks on the Hqrender

For this last part, I will explain how to mount a windows shared folder on Linux, create a permanent link and we will try a complete render on Hqueue render to observe the last blockers.


  • Steven Quinones-Colon2 3 years, 1 month ago  | 

    Wonderful, looking forward to the Mac version.

  • Renzell 3 years, 1 month ago  | 

    Imagine, Finally Able to fix the common issues when i tried to configure HQ with both my Linux and Windows computer.

    Finally...Not sure what updates Houdini 19 will have and how it'll effect HQ.

    I can imagine it'll work in a way where I'm able to Render to background thro HQ in the LOP/Solaris context...I can also imagine the headache configuring there as well.

  • Cyril Conforti 3 years, 1 month ago  | 

    I will update my video with Houdini 19, to be sure that everything will work well.
    I will some course about Hqueue and :
    - mantra
    - PDG
    - pyro
    - distributed sim
    - solaris

    • TravisFX 10 months ago  | 

      Any updates on these new PDG and distributed sim tutorials? Thank you for the previous Hqueue tutorials!

  • imag4media 3 years, 1 month ago  | 

    This was very helpful thx.

  • TangheStudent 2 years, 10 months ago  | 

    I`m confused about the licenses u need on hq client machines.

    Can u just use a houdini engine license,
    Does houdini know not to send it render jobs but do send it to others then ?

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