Learn how to create a standalone Houdini Digital Asset containing multiple Houdini object (OBJ) nodes inside.
In Houdini
- Install and instantiate the Instancing_ObjectInstancingByAttribute_Finished.hda example in Houdini.
- the Instancing_ObjectInstancingByAttribute1 > instance1 node in the network editor.
- You should have attribcreate2 node selected.In the Scene View pane, go to the Geometry Spreadsheet tab.
- At the top of the Geometry Spreadsheet window, beside the Group field, click the Points button.
- You'll see the instance string attribute with paths to objects being instanced and you should see that two different kinds of starfish are being instanced.
In UE4
- Right-click in the Content Browser and select Import to....
- Find the provided HoudiniCacti.hda and import it.
- Drag it over the viewport and let it cook. You should see a bunch of cacti.
- In the Details pane, scroll down to the Houdini Generated Meshes section and click on the Bake All button.
- You should now have 3 cacti in the Content Browser as ordinary Unreal static meshes - equivalent to an FBX import.
- Delete the HoudiniCacti asset from the viewport/World Outliner.
- Import the Instancing_ObjectInstancingByAttribute_Finished.hda example asset.
- Drag it over to the viewport and let it cook. You should see a bunch of starfishes.
- In the Details pane, find the Houdini Instanced Inputs section. You should see an entry for the yellow starfish and one for the blue starfish.
- Drag the bright tall cactus, ...bake0_0_0..., over the yellow starfish to replace it.
- Drag the dark tall cactus, ...bake0_1_0..., over the blue starfish to replace.
- You can also add variations on the Unreal side. Click on the + button beside the bight tall cactus (what used to be the yellow starfish).
- You should have another entry in the Houdini Instanced Inputs section with a yellow starfish. Replace it with the small spherical cactus, ...bake0_2_0....
- Admire your cacti forest.
Sc 8 years, 3 months ago |
where can I download these examples?
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