Welcome to the advanced tutorial, my friends. Here we are going to do everything in our mortal power to get an imaginary robot living in Houdini vex point wrangles to make our art assets for us. It shall be an epic journey, full of twists and turns and difficult decisions - but by the end of it, we will have a generator that will procedurally make labyrinths of any size and shape (as long as they're square). We used this tech to fill our open-world VR videogames with fun and varied content. What will you use it for?
artcenter1 5 years, 8 months ago |
Amazing fun stuff !
harry_the_cat 5 years, 8 months ago |
brilliant tutorial, seems a bit long-winded, but entertaining enough to overlook that. love your, yah, so what, approach, it's SO houdini.
harry_the_cat 5 years, 8 months ago |
any chance of a file? i'm real lazy.
Eigenverse 5 years, 8 months ago |
Yup. I'm totally long winded. Note my 'yah, so what' approach to your comment. Because I am so houdini.
Plus, since you're so honest about it, here's a link to a file. This is the original file, I think, and pretty much the one I used in my game for most of the mazes. Note that it's very sloppy and there's quite a few things I'd really change if I was actually doing this for someone else or something - I'm working on a much more powerful maze maker now. But this'll do for now, and I did put quite a bit of effort into commenting that insanely big point wrangle in the solver, so it should be easy to take apart. Have fun.
vhpace 5 years, 8 months ago |
This Eigenverse tutorial is amazing!
sage-toluwalase 3 years, 7 months ago |
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