
In this online course, the viewer will learn how to create a procedural cyberpunk city with Houdini and Unreal Engine 4.  We will use Open Street Map data to generate the layout from a real-world city. 

The technique uses modular pieces that allow flexibility and art direction and can be swapped out for different styles or themes. This is a great tutorial for intermediate users who have some familiarity with Houdini's workflows and a basic understanding of VEX, however, step-by-step instruction will allow for most skill levels to follow along. 

This course is recommended to anyone looking to expand their knowledge by creating more complex procedural systems. 

After viewing this course, people can expect to be able to leverage Houdini & VEX to generate large scale environments, create flexible systems with artistic control, automate repetitive tasks such as UV mapping and module placement, speed up level creating using procedural techniques.

  • In the first chapter, we will create the base buildings from open street map data. 
  • In the second we will assign tags to the building, turn the wall panels into point grids ready for module instancing, create roof barriers, as well as creating UV maps.
  • Then in the third, we will use VEX to place modules on the building point grids using a range of parameters.
  • Finally, we will package the tool into an HDA for use inside Unreal Engine 4.

Key takeaways

  • Exporting & using Open Street Map data.
  • Using VEX to process and generate data.
  • Using foreach loops.
  • Generating base meshes for buildings.
  • Preparing base meshes for instancing of modular pieces.
  • Creating tiling procedural UVs.
  • Instance premade modular pieces of varying shapes.
  • Using Unreal Engine materials to add additional variation.

Matthew Jukes

Matthew Jukes is an experienced educator, technical artist, & programmer who has been teaching 3D art for over 4 years at Yoobee Colleges, a tertiary institute based in Wellington, NZ. When he isn't on campus he is solo developing an indie game, an ambitious task that wouldn't be possible without leveraging Houdini's procedural pipeline. He believes working smart and using all the tools at your disposal to work efficiently is one of the most important skills new CG artists can learn, as industry demands projects grow in scale and complexity.


  • Barbearian 2 years, 11 months ago  | 

    The Chinese doesn't make sense...

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