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Project Pegasus is an in-house tech demo designed to use Houdini's procedural workflows to create an open world 3D environment that integrates with the latest technologies in Unreal Engine 5.

Project Pegasus brought together a group of artists working in different locations. For this reason, it was important to build a collaborative pipeline. Learn the purpose of Houdini Package files and how to create them. Then, take a tour of the Project Pegasus folder structure and learn the importance of version control.



Ian Smith has 10+ years of working on pre-rendered and real-time projects and is currently working with SideFX on Project Pegasus, a showcase of Houdini procedural workflows with UE5. Ian is also CG Supervisor at NSC Creative, an award-winning studio specialising in immersive experiences, including VR, theme parks and fulldome.

More from Ian Smith


  • RudiNieuwenhuis 1 year ago  | 

    Hi Ian, there are a few small issues with the files you provide with this wonderful series.
    The hip files are using $PEGASUSPROJECT whereas the json package file is using $PEGASUSDEMOPROJECT. Surely a minor oversight but it might make it difficult for some people.
    There is also a viewerstate issue with PE_heightfield_paths when opening Houdini with the package file in place: opdef:/Sop/PE_heightfield_paths::2.0?ViewerStateInstall (1): Unknown command: __import__

    • iansmithartist 1 year ago  | 

      Hi Rudi, thanks for your comment. I'll look into this. $PegasusProject we used internally and intended to use $PegasusDemoProject for released content, but I realise there are some inconsistencies. I'll see if this can be rectified!

  • Yoshi_Hi 1 year ago  | 

    Thanks for a great series of tutorials!

    I use Houdini20.0.506.
    But I can't find the Package Browser panel.
    Is this a panel that comes with Houdini from the beginning?

    • iansmithartist 1 year ago  | 

      Between recording the videos and releasing them, they have been moved! Click the +icon at the end of the tab, and you'll find it under "New Pane Tab Type > Inspectors > Package Browser"

  • Elenarak 11 months, 3 weeks ago  | 

    Jesus, you guys are awesome for sharing this. Thanks a lot, can't wait to start.

  • TravisFX 11 months ago  | 

    I keep getting this error, but I haven't noticed anything not working so far.

    opdef:/Sop/PE_heightfield_paths::2.0?ViewerStateInstall (1): Unknown command: __import__

    • 9757020 8 months, 1 week ago  | 

      Hello, have you solved your problem? I have also encountered the same problem

  • newkinostudio 8 months, 4 weeks ago  | 

    My pegasusDemo in my package browser is locked and I can't edit it. What would unlock this?

    • TheKodiProject 7 months, 3 weeks ago  | 

      Not sure if this will help you, but I accidentally put my JSON file in the houdini install folder -> `packages` folder. It had some of the other base packages like apex you see houdini load and was also locked from editing.

      I thought I had to do this because I use a different drive but after putting it in my `documents` as he mentions in the video it allowed me to edit the json from within Houdini. Hope this helps, if not look into permissions and feel free to ask away, I'm here learning with ya! Very cool project btw guys!

      Good luck!

  • 9757020 8 months, 1 week ago  | 

    Hello, have you solved your problem? I have also encountered the same problem

  • Getyamamout 3 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

    if I make a folder called packages in my ("C drive / windows drive") where the Houdini presets etc are the project dose not work and fails to load. and fire up a load error.

    if I leave the .json file where it is in the downloaded project file ("H drive / my Houdini project drive") and edit it to the destination. the project loads and the bottom three nodes get populated with there contents but the file nodes refuse to work and I can't even select the files manually. so no landscape loads in as the files stay blank.

    you need to be more clear about what we need to do as there are steps missing to get this to work....
    If us Muppets can't get the project files working then the whole project is a complete waste of time. as it is meant to teach us how to do something !!!

    are we moving any/all the otls to a folder ? which file needs to be opened first? how all these files from the full project need to be arranged to work? are they combined with the other downloads or independent to each other? please open the project as the user would not knowing anything about it and go through the install of the files that we need. rather than opening some random cart / barrel

    • istari_stargazer 3 months ago  | 

      So, the instructions in the video are lacking. After working on this for hours, I will try to provide a more detailed explanation:

      -I created a folder on my C drive called: "Pegasus" (it doesn't matter where you put it). I then added a folder in that directory called "otls". I then pasted a few existing otls that I had into that directory to test it out.
      -I then created a json file in the packages folder in houdini20.5. As stated in the video, if you don't have that folder, then create a folder called "packages".
      -My json file looks like this:
      "hpath": "C:/Users/astra/OneDrive/SourceContent/Pegasus",
      "env" : [
      "HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH": "C:/Users/astra/OneDrive/SourceContent/Pegasus;&",
      "PEGASUS" : "C:/Users/astra/OneDrive/SourceContent/Pegasus"
      -This then gave me the ability to use the $pegasus/ to get access to things in that folder. Also, my otls files showed up under "Digital Assets" in the Tab Menu.

      *The next great mystery was how did he have everything organized in a separate folder in the "Tab Menu". Here is how you do that:
      -To add your custom HDAs and OTLs to a different folder in the Tab menu, you need to specify the submenu label when creating the digital asset. You can do this in the Edit Operator Type Properties dialog:
      -Go to Windows ▸ Asset Manager.
      -Find your custom asset and right-click to select Type Properties.
      -Go to the Interactive tab.
      -In the Shelf Tools section, find the Context/TAB Submenu Path field.
      -Enter the desired submenu path (e.g., MyTools/Submenu). So, I added: Pegasus/otls. Then when you Tab, you will see a "Pegasus" > "otls", which will then contain your otls file.

    • istari_stargazer 3 months ago  | 

      Now, that I started the "Folder Structure" video - it seems like this video should have proceeded the "Houdini Package" video. In the latter video it is hard to follow the jumping around, but if you watch the "Folder Structure" video first it really helps follow where the files are going.

  • istari_stargazer 3 months ago  | 

    Thanks for the tutorial series!

  • Zandermn 1 month, 1 week ago  | 

    I am using Houdini 20.5.278 and after I open package broswer window, there are nothing inside. How can I know which package I loaded and edit it?

    • Zandermn 1 month, 1 week ago  | 

      Nevermind, it's a missspell.

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