
Each license specifies how many copies of a Houdini Product that can be run at the same time. This number is referred to as a "token". For example a license of Houdini FX could allow up to 20 copies to be run at the same time. This license would have 20 tokens (or you could say that there are 20 copies of FX with the same License ID).

Running any number of copies of Houdini FX, Houdini or Houdini Batch on the same machine uses one token.

For example, If your facility had 20 copies of Houdini FX and you opened 2 copies of Houdini FX on your workstation, Houdini would use 1 token out of 20 because you're opening all the FX on your local machine. The facility has 19 tokens left for different clients (different machines).

From version 13.0.301, Mantra tokens are now consumed the same way as Houdini itself, ie, one per machine.