Ray sop: some points explode!

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I'm trying to replicate a workflow I had in Zbrush. I'm trying to project a clean mesh onto a booleaned geo. The idea is to:


I'm trying this with a for-each loop. My for-each steps are:
1.Ray project outward (group rayHitGroup)
2.Ray project with reversed direction (using !rayHitGroup) to project the other points
3. subdivide

Everytime, at the 3rd or 4th iteration, one point explodes by projecting on the opposite end of the booleaned geo. On close look, I can see one point was already super close and did not project outward so it gets projected inward by the next ray sop.

Is there a way to limit the distance that a point can be projected? I tried changing the ray tolerance but it does nothing…


ray_point_explosion.JPG (113.1 KB)

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