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Animation » New Tutorial | Shot Sculpts for an APEX Animated Character
- corestudio
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Technical Discussion » Houdini Launcher doesn't log in with Safari on MacOS
- corestudio
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Animation » Click Drag Select
- corestudio
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Animation » Click Drag Select
- corestudio
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Working with APEX rigs, I'm constantly moving joints when I select them. Then cycling through undo's to try to return the joint to where it was. This is undesirable. If I remember correctly, in Maya there was a thing called click drag select (I think) but the basic idea was, you couldn't move anything simply by selecting it. You had to first select, and then as a second action you could make your change. For me, it was a far superior way of working because it cuts down on unintended moves.
Animation » Add/Remove selected to/from Selection Sets
- corestudio
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Is it possible to add/remove selected controls from existing Selection Sets? So if I make a set, but forgot to add something do I need to make a new set? same with removing controls.
Animation » Scene Animate/layering animation
- corestudio
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What I keeping finding myself wanting to do is to stack up Scene Animate nodes to layer animation. It seems so logical but all the keys from upstream show up downstream in the newly added Scene Animate. For instance a generic swing on an arm, then add another Scene Animate to add some secondary motion or wave or whatever. How do I achieve this?
Animation » Electra posing tutorial
- corestudio
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Animation » Electra posing tutorial
- corestudio
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My Selection Sets tab only has the Folder+ and Change Set Color icons, it's lacking File Edit Manage Mirror View. How do I get those to show up? And agreed the controls are too thick.
Oh, strangely on the Mac they're up in the actual Menu Bar? That seems odd.
Oh, strangely on the Mac they're up in the actual Menu Bar? That seems odd.
Edited by corestudio - Nov. 10, 2023 11:13:20
Houdini Lounge » Queue multiple Solaris ROP nodes in Scheduler
- corestudio
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Jonathan de Blok
If you make a ropnet (green) in the stage context and put some usdRendernoders in there, you can link those together to create dependencies that render in top down order. You can set it to frame-by-frame or node-by-node in the node's properties. In the blue circle you point each ropNode to to what ever you want to render. (use a null or something and not rendernode as in the screenshot)
This works great. Do you know if there is a way to Render to Disk in Background (i.e. generate and execute the husk commands) via this fetch workflow for multiple Render ROPs?
Technical Discussion » Simple, 1 agent "crowd" setup
- corestudio
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We often need to do previs for simple live action shots with one or two subjects. Basic stuff like person walks from a to b, stands then walks from b to c. We can set up crowd sims with a path and a single agent, but wondering if there is a more basic way to achieve this? basically a step up from dragging around a character in a y pose. thanks!
Technical Discussion » Blur texture based on CD
- corestudio
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Can anybody think of a way to blur a texture based on the Cd of a surface? For instance if I project a ramp, white = 1 blur and black = 0 blur. I don't want to mix between two different images, I actually want the value of the surface color to blur the map. Thoughts?
Technical Discussion » Whitewater after a flip cache
- corestudio
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I have a question about Whitewater. I have a fairly detailed flip cached (the compressed cache) but the whitewater_sim from the shelf tool seems to be referencing the import_particle node somehow, which is before the cache. Can I use the compressed_cache instead so that the whitewater doesn't have to re-calculate so much every frame? Seems like a waste. I should say that the whitewater_source is pointing to the compressed_cache, but when I watch houdini calculate it shows it's reading the import_particle/importfields/load_each_field_end somewhere which ends up being very slow. thanks.
Houdini Engine for Maya » nParticle/Engine workflow
- corestudio
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Hello. New to Engine so apologies if this is a no brainer. Since Maya can't seem to read the points in an Alembic file, I'm using Engine to bring in the points to Maya. Works great, and when I Load the Asset into Maya I get an nParticle object. But (and this is where I'm a bit lost) I can't deal with the resulting nParticle object as I normally would expect in Maya. For instance, attaching a Turbulence field has no effect. Is this because the particle positions are assumed to be coming from Houdini? Or is this something I should be able to do?
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