houdini and modo

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hi there. i've been playing around with the apprentice version, but have this one question is it possible to bring models / cameras / lights / animation to houdini from modo? and back if necessary? i thought alembic would do this quite well, but houdini always just gives me a strange msg upon import.

sw versions would be modo 601 and h12 apprentice.

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Houdini has a very nice fbx export import plugin, BUT, it doesn't work on the apprentice edition, because it's free, you need either Escape or a Master license and the workflow is totally possible AND fun

soooo, you can export all that stuff in FBX from Modo and import that in houdini and will wok, getting all that stuff BACK, it's the issue, but only cause of the apprentice thing.

varomix - Founder | Educator @ Mix Training
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Also to note here that both h12 and modo 601 has alembic support
daniel bukovec | senior fx td | weta digital
qLib -- http://qlab.github.io/qLib/ [qlab.github.io]
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thanks for the feedback.

have you ever tried using the alembic rout? i either get crashes or a long, ugly error message…
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Here is a small plugin for modo that will help you if you have any difficulties to export from modo to houdini : http://www.modo.stenson.tv/ [modo.stenson.tv]
The plugin is called ChanIO
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thanks for the replies. i've been playing a bit

the fbx support seems to open all my files, although the camera gets killed - is this a issue everybody has?

i checked out the chanIO plugin. seems to be very nice, but i didn't get my head wrapped around it yet - how would one import the channels into houdini and link it to the camera?

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