Whitewater setup on deformed grid wave

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I need some advice on how to create whitewater on a mesh? I created a deformed wave using a grid and Attribute VOP instead of the ocean tools. The reason for that is that I wanted my wave to curve in an unnatural way. I connected the grid to ocean evaluate and ocean spectrum node to get an ocean look.

I'm trying to set up whitewater, spray and mist for that wave at the moment and I'm not sure where to start. I can't just click whitewater from the tools because my mesh is not a flip sim. What's the best way to go about this? I thought of using vdb from polygons but then I'm stuck again and not sure where to go from there.

Please help! Any advice will be appreciated!

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Joined: July 2006
Did you try the Guided Ocean Layer ?
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9 posts
Joined: May 2016
Did you try the Guided Ocean Layer ?

I originally used the hero waves instancing method to do this but I can't deform the wave to the shape that I want. I want to achieve the effect like the whitewater_ref picture I attached here. Right now I've managed to create the deformed wave using grid and I extruded the volume and connected it to vdbfrompolygon node. This is used to create the flip.

I used measure node to calculate the curvature, scattered and isolated the points. These points which I then called “OUT_EMITTER” are called into the whitewater emitter node to be used for whitewater emission. However, the particles are just falling downwards even after I added custom forces. I'm stuck and unsure how to fix this. I've tried various methods including using VDB and Ray SOP.

I've attached my file here.


whitewater_ref.jpg (47.9 KB)
WaveDeformerTestQuickMask_edit2.hip (2.9 MB)

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