blend shapes on top of a deform

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I want to use blendshapes to correct deformed geometry ( bone deformation), and I did some testing with this and get strange results. I created a simple tube that is captured to and deformed by 2 bones. now I added a blendshape (with the morptool), that resulted in a blendshape node and a edit node. now I plugged the capture geometry output into the reference geometry input of the edit node to keep the points right relative to the mesh not global. I works, the points keep correct positions even if the complete setup is rotatet. the strange thing is that if I change the tube geometry type fom poly to mesh I get a complete different shape. same goes the other way to. The file I uploaded contains both. The next wired thing is that the shape I created does strangly interplolate during the bone deformation. I created the shape in a bended pose and edited the points competely symetrical and only in yx for this test, but as when the bone goes to a straight position the the points move not symetricaly anymore and even worse some move along the x axis.

any hints would be more than welcome :?


posebased_deform.rar (13.3 KB)

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I guess I found a solution. “Use Orient Attribute” does the job…
but it does not work anymore when the parent bone is animated, maybe I have to create this orent atribute first…..

But why is this parameter available in houdini 8.1.655 but not in 8.1.664?


EDIT: I created now a orient atribute on my own by a attribute create with the first three components extracted from the normals and the last one set to 1 ( didn' knew it better) but it works, but not not good.
Does anybody know how to get a real orient attribute or is there a different workflow?
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