HDA Processor - Ctrl parms from attributes [SOLVED]

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Does anyone know if we can control HDA´s parameters in the HDA Processor using TOPs attributes without hardcoding them in the parameters tab?
To clarify: my idea is to find HDAs in a folder, put them in attributes and then use the attribute “HDA path” to tell the HDA Processor which HDA to process (that´s working fine).
The next step is to fine-tune the HDA´s behavior with TOP´s attributes - but I can´t hardcode them in the parameter´s tab because I´m not using the same asset to process.
Edited by guilhermecasagrandi - Nov. 25, 2019 20:36:58
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Yes, this is possible. You can use an attribute to drive the HDA Path, and then create attributes that match the parameters on the HDA, and they will be automatically applied to the corresponding HDA parameter when the work item cooks.
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Yes, this is possible. You can use an attribute to drive the HDA Path, and then create attributes that match the parameters on the HDA, and they will be automatically applied to the corresponding HDA parameter when the work item cooks.
thanks for the reply! That´s what I thought, but I didn´t manage to get it to work. Do you have a working example?
I even tried the hdap_attribute, but It didn´t work….
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I figured it out. When the HDA Processor creates the parameters, It overrides the attributes. Must disable the HDA´s parameters on the processor for it to work.
Edited by guilhermecasagrandi - Nov. 25, 2019 20:37:25
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